The Plans (P2)

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All of us walked to the car and sat down inside. "So what exactly is the reason that you brought us along?" Inquires Luke. I looked at him and then at the steering wheel.

"Umm... Well the thing is that I kinda need you guys to help me plan something."

"Like help you with Maria's plan?" Selena questions.

"Umm not exactly, this is something different, yet similar." I reply looking back and forth from the two of them. "You-" I take a deep breath to calm myself. "You guys can't tell anyone okay?"

"Dude either you tell us or we both leave." Luke says impatiently.

"Alright first of all... How long have you guys known that Elena likes me?"

"What? What are you talking about?" Selena chuckles nervously. "She doesn't like you! pffft, you're crazy dude." She says looking at Luke to back her up.

"Yeah man, she doesn't like you, where on earth did you get that crazy idea from!"

"Cut the act you idiots! I know!! I know she likes me!"

"Is that the reason you broke up with Maria?"

"Partially.. Just answer the damn question, how long has Elena liked me?"

"Like six years.. I think." Luke says gazing at me calmly. I sat there just staring/glancing at him like an idiot.

"S-six years?" I ask shocked, Luke shook his head. I sat there letting the information soak into my system. "My best friend has been in love with me for six years...? How could i not know about this?" I sat with my back to the seat.

"Well you were a lil too busy being in a relationship with Maria that you begun to forget that any of us even existed." Selena says patting me on the shoulder.
"But how the hell did I not see?"
"Do you need me to Repeat myself?"
"No.....I'm just Surprised.."
"Man can you just get to the point?"
"Right. Sorry. Look I need you guys to helps me plan a date."

"A date? God Ash... who's the chic now?" Luke asks growling at me. 

"Elena!" I blurt out, and everyone went silent. 

"Wait, you're asking out Elena!?"

"Umm yea." I say nervously. "That's kinda why I asked you guys to help me."

"So when are you planning on asking her out?" 

"This Wednesday on her birthday, but I need you guys to help me..." I begin explaining to them exactly what they need to do and when i wanna ask her out.

"OMG! I can't believe that the two of my friends are gonna be dating very soon! The plan's perfect." Selena claps her hands together as she looks as me smiling with a glimpse of joy in her eyes. 

"Make sure thats NO one knows about this!" I say a bit aggressively.

"we promise we won't say a word. Right Luke?"


"I just can't believe my two best friends will be dating very soon!" 

"Yeah yeah, just keep quiet Sel. Look you guys know the plan and what to do. Please don't mess this up for me. I wanna make this the most memorable night for Elena, but i might wait a while before asking her out."

"What! Why? Just why would you do something like that!"

"Cause I've got a better idea."

"Really dude! She's been waiting for 6 god damn years! Are  you seriously gonna make her wait longer!"

"Well you do have a point there. But i just wanna make this the most special night for her. I want her to remember this night for the rest of her life. Then again I don't wanna make her wait too long so I guess I'll just go with it."

"That's what I thought." Luke finally speaks. "Dude either ask her out now, or miss the chance for once and for all. Other guys like her and wanna ask her out."

"I am not letting the opportunity slip, not this time."

"Good to know. Now shall we go and get the things needed for this 'special event'." I chuckle. "Yeah lets go."

* Skipping To The Mall *

      We had bought all the items needed for the date, however now all i needed to do was plan the timing and setting as to when to ask out Elena to be my girlfriend.

"What exactly are you planning on doing with all these supplies we just bought?" Luke asks me.

"Just leave that up to me."

"Yeah okay sounds fair to me."

"Now lets get going. I have so much to do, either you two can stand by the car and continue wasting our time by asking me stupid questions or come home with me and help me finish planning." They silently put away the items in the trunk and sat down. We reached home within 20 mins. Immediately we got out of the car and opened the trunk taking out the bags filled with all sorts of accessories.soon after we locked the care, we went inside the house, taking off our shoes, locking the front door and walking to the sofa settling down the bags.

"What are we supposed to do with all these items?" Sel asks at the pile of bags that lay on the floor. 

"I'm guessing were supposed to start making the decorations..." Luke cuts me off. "Wait but where are we going to be taking these decorations?"

"To the beach house where we are holding Elena's party." 

"Dude how the hell are we supposed to get these decorations to the beach house without Elena finding out!" Selena wonders.

"I have no idea! But I sure know we'll figure out a way." I reply looking at a picture of me and Elena that hung on the wall behind Selena, as I smiled slightly.  

"By the way where is this beach house?" Luke looks at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"In California..."

"CALIFORNIA!" They both shout in excitement looking at me shocked. 

"Umm yea... Didn't you guys get the memo that Emmalee sent?"

"Yea Ashton, this is the face of two people who to-o-tally got the memo." Selena fires back at me. 

"Buts that's imposible! I told Emmalee to message all of you." Luke instantly takes out his phone and goes to messages.

"Oh here it is..." Luke shows Selena pointing to the message. 

"See!" i point out. "i told Emm."

"Okay.. But how are we buying the ticket?"

"Oh you guys don't need to worry about that, we'll be flying out on my private jet, well my families private jet."

"Dude the hell! How the hell did I not know about this!?"

"Cause i just never told any of you about this. Duh!"

"Yeah but why not!?" Selena starts to investigate like she's some sort of detective solving a mystery of a stolen diamond. 

"Cause i knew that if you guys knew about this, you'd only like me for the amount if money I have, not for who I am." i point out the fact. 

"No ways! i like you cause you are awesome. i would've wanted to be your best friend regardless of the fact that you are rich. However, you should've told me that you have a private jet. I really wanna go places." She says smiling at me.

"See that's the reason I never told you guys anything."

"So you're saying that everyone else knew except us!" Luke looks at me disappointed.

"No... Not everyone..." I say blushing. "Just Elena."

"Elena knew and didn't tell me! oh she is so dead." Selena says with as a smirk spread across her lips.

"Guys focus!" Luke says, clapping his hands before our faces, "If we just keep talking, and wasting time on this 'who-knew-what' game, we won't get ANYTHING done on time for Elena's party! Now lets get to work people!" We nodded our head, grabbing bags as we sat down on the floor and began to work on the decorations. 

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