Solve The Riddles (Pt.1)

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Why on earth wouldn't they just give me the gifts? And who on earth even set this up? I keep thinking to myself trying to put the puzzle together while I get dressed.

"Are you ready yet!?" Emm calls from outside my bedroom door.

"Almost." I respond. I put my hair up in a ponytail, since it's the only hair style I feel would go with my denim overalls and red/white lined shirt. I unlock the door and let Emmalee inside.

"You take a long ass time to get dressed."

"Well sorry, a girl needs to look good for the public."

"Why? It's not like we're going down to hunt for a guy."

"Maybe not but who knows? I may meet someone."

"Hmm true, okay lets goooooo!!" I look at myself one last time in the mirror before grabbing the purse off the dressing table and walking down the stairs along side with Emmalee.

"Okay okay. You're so impatient."

"Well I want to start solving the riddles so we can collect the gifts!!"

"The gifts are for me and you're the one who's all hyped up." She rolls her eyes at me.

"Girl just read the riddle!" I open the piece of paper Emm handed to me and read the riddle aloud.

"As a kid you always enjoyed this place. It gave you comfort and safety. It was our go to place when we were sad, happy or mad." I tried to figure out where I used to love going as a child.

"I'll give you one hint! You've known this person longer than any of us."

"Ashton?" Emmalee nods her head.

"OMG! Of course, it was the amusement park. Ashton and I loved to go there."

"Then to the amusement park we shall go!" Emmalee drags me to the car. We sit down and zoom off.

"Do you even know where to go?" I look at Emmalee kind of surprised.

"I'm not the one driving. He is." She points at Josh. "And yes I know here we are going."

"Okay." I say puzzled.
"Just relax girl! Trust me today is going to be the greatest day ever for us all."
"Exactly how?"
"The biggest surprise will be revealed tonight at exactly midnight. Trust me it'll have you in tears of joy. I've said too much already imma shut up now."
Josh looks at Emmalee from the rearview mirror, "Yea would be a good idea."
"Bloody hell you guys! Tell me."
"No way! Girl you gotta solve all the puzzles yourself."
"Fine. How many more gifts are there?"
"EIGHTEEN!? Are you guys crazy?"
"Well ya we are. Now shut up."
"Okay we're here!" Josh parks the car in the parking lot.
"FANTASTIC!" Emmalee says joyfully. "Hop out. Come on go go go!" She seemed far more excited than me. I hop out of the car along side Emmalee. She grabs me by the arm and runs towards the Ferris wheel.
"Okay now look for the next clue to find the gift."
"Okay..." I look around the amusement park. Emmalee was all giddy. "What?" I ask her. She points at something behind me. I turn around to see what she was pointing towards. I was taken by surprise. There was a guy holding a sign with my name, under the name was written "Reserved" Under that was an arrow pointing to a seat on the Ferris wheel. The seat had a card sitting on it with the words "open me" written in gold and beside the note were roses. The crowd behind me was video tapping and constantly going "awww."
I turn towards Emmalee with a shocked look. "Go on!" She said smiling at me. I took a step forward nervous as hell. The guy stepped back and opened the door to the seat for me. I picked up the flowers and note and sat down.
I opened the note and it read
'For the girl who makes me smile more than I possibly thought I could. This is for you. The next present is right here, check under the seat ;).' I look under the seat and there's a box taped to the seat. I grab the box from underneath. I looked at the red box. I cautiously opened the box and inside was a ring. A beautiful rose gold princess crown ring. On the inside of the box, just above the ring was another note.
'This is so you know that we'll always love you and be there for you. Now onto the next we go. Look high above into the sky.'
I look up at the sky, and there a helicopter flying around some kind of banner. I tried to read it.
'Come, let's fly away to your dream place.'
As I was thinking, the Ferris wheel had brought me back to the ground. I collect the items off the seat from beside me and walk down the steps back to Emmalee. "What exactly was that bann-" right then, Emmalee pulled out a ticket with my name written on it.
"For you!" She forcefully places the ticket in my hand. I look up at her shocked.
"Emmalee... No! You guys so didn't!"
"Oh we so did!" Josh speaks from behind.
"What the hell you guys!" A tear rolls down my cheek.
"Girl don't you dare get all sentimental. Cuz if you do, then we will too. Now flip the damn ticket to the other side!" I did as I was instructed. There was a yellow sticky note that said 'Can't fly without a souvenir to take with.'

"The gift shop?" Emmalee nods her head and so we head to the gift shop.

Okay, so I'm gonna end it off there for now. Let me know if you've liked the book so far! I would love to know what your thoughts are on the book. Cause I'm honestly thinking about discontinuing my books. But if you think I should continue please let me know. Thank you for reading :).

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