Off We Go (P1)

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     We all woke up early the following day, had breakfast, got dressed, and now we were outside, loading the car with our bags to take to California. Luke pulled me away to the garage door.

"What?" I ask confused.

"How are we getting the decorations to Cali?"

I chuckle softly, "Chill I already sent them with Tyler last night."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I did."

"But of all the people why him! What if he destroys them?"

I roll my eyes, "he won't, and if he does he'll have to deal with my mom. Besides he was the only one willing to take them, and I thought it's better I send them with him than have them parceled to Cali. Free of cost. Look I know he's gonna do something stupid, I'm not blind, I know he likes Elena, and being the big ass of a step-brother he is, he's gonna try to take her away from me."

"So... How are you going to handle him?"

"I don't think we need to be too worried, I mean he does have a girlfriend, but I've never met her even though they've been going out for 2 months now. Plus we also had a really big argument last night, so we're still pretty steamed at each other, but we should be okay by tomorrow."

"If you say. But if he tries anything, I'm g-" Right then someone honked from the car.

"Are we going or not?" Elena asks yelling from inside the car.

"Coming." We both say at the same time.

"Listen, trust me, Tyler isn't gonna do shit, but if he does, you have my full support to kill him if you have to. Now lets go." Both of us run to the car, once we all have settled down in our seats, I start to drive to the airport.

*Skip to the airport*

Everyone gets out of the car as I unload the bags and put them on the carts. Chase, Emmalee, and Selena took the carts as I went to park the car. I jogged back to where they were all standing waiting for me. They were all bickering about something, I stepped up between them. "Cut it out you guys!"

"Well they started it!" Josh whines.

"I don't care who started it! All of you need to apologize to each other and just shut up and not ruin this vacation." They all apologized immediately and we all hugged.

"Uh-oh!" Elena says with a worried look on her face as she looks up from her bag. "I think I forgot the bag with our passports at home..."

"Are you 100% sure? Cause I checked every room before we left. I didn't see anything."

"I'm positive. I remember I put it in the drawers of my dressing table, and I forgot to pick up the bag before we left. I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot." She looks down at her feet with a sad look on her face.

"Hey, it's okay, it could've happened to anyone of us. I'll just go home and-" I see a little smile on her lips, and Emmalee begins to giggle.

"You idiot! She's just kidding." She laughs as she clutches her stomach. "I can't believe you fell for it!"

"Geez! why do you guys have to be so mean." Chase asks pouting.

"oh boo hoo! Man up Chase."

"Shut up Ashley! I am a man."

"Yea right! A man doesn't cry over small things!" Ashley says with sarcasm.

"Ashley, shut up before I kick your ass!" Chase turned red as a tomato.

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