Solve The Riddles (part 3)

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Josh parked the car at the entrance of the mall, Emmalee and I hopped out from the vehicle and stood at the entrance while he went to find a parking.

"I know you're not gonna tell me for sure who is in charge of all of this... BUT TELL ME!"

"No can do missy. Why can't you just let that go and find your gifts?"

"Cause... This must have cost so much! Emm be honest, who set this up? I want to know, was it Ashton."

"Oh look, Josh's back! and we're out of time. Sorry." She says smiling at me. I gave a smile back, even though I was dreading to know who it was that set all this up. Deep down I somewhat knew that it had to be Ashton. My only question is why is he putting in so much effort to do all this.

"Okay so where do we head?" I ask aloof.

"The jewellery store." Luke said looking my way.

"Okay, but before we head down there can we grab a bite to eat? I'm famished."


************** Back home where Ashton was setting up***************

While Josh and Emmalee had taken Elena out to collect her gifts, Luke and I were at home setting up everything. I had decided to put up a gazebo in the backyard, with the beach as the back view. I covered it with LED string lights to which I attached group photos of us with Elena and put a stone pathway with roses laid out upon it. After the gazebo was set up, I went ahead and set up the signing table with a picture of Elena that I took a while back sneakily. It was very hard to get Elena to take pictures. She's very picky. One big surprise for Elena would be Harry styles, she has no idea that I have called him to come down here to perform just for her. She will be screaming and crying and probably will punch me but it'll all be worth it to see that beautiful smile on her face and to hear her laughter. We will have our slow dance together and that is when, at the strike of twelve, I am going to reveal all my true feelings to her.

As I was setting up everything, I was thinking to myself how I got so lucky to have Elena in my life, and how blind I'd been for not realizing that she was the one for me all along. All I kept thinking about at this very moment was, how in just a couple of hours I would be able to reveal to her, my best friend and my soul mate that I love her and how everything will change forever between us. I couldn't wait. My stomach was churning inside out, and I was nervous, but more happy than nervous because I am about to get the best gift of all, her. The most generous, gorgeous human being. Elena Crystal Collins.

"Looks like everything is set and ready to go." Luke pats me on the shoulder. I look around at the beautiful view knowing that this would make Elena very happy. This was about to be a tremendous day for both her and me.

*************************** Back at the mall **************************

After having caught a bite, Josh, Emmalee and I headed down towards the jewellery shop. There was a sign on the window that read "Hey there gorgeous, something's missing around that neckline! Come claim what is rightfully yours." I look at the wordings again a little giggle escaped my mouth.

"Why are you giggling?"

"Because whoever wrote that! Can't write for jack sh-" I trailed off when I saw the look on Josh's face. "Did you write this?" I ask him. He nods his head.

"Yap, I'm the doofus who apparently can't write for jack shit."

"Well I mean you could have made it a little better by making it rhyme, but its still beautifully worded!" I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "So? Shall we go claim 'what is rightfully mine'?" Emmalee nods and in we walked. 

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