Finding The Shooter

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I left the house in hopes to finding the shooter, but I knew it was going to be a difficult thing to do. Good thing I knew Maria's phones password. I unlocked the phone and went through her messages and call history, everything was cleaned out. There were no calls to or from the person nor were there any messages. I decided to go through her contacts list. But she had so many contacts, it would take me hours or even days just to find the person. So I decided to call up an old friend who was a hacker. I asked him to help me out with the situation. Of course he said he would, and so I drove to his place.

Immediately after reaching his place, we sat down in his room and started up the process to retrieve her phone call history. It would take up to an or so to retrieve all that data. In the meantime he and I got reacquainted.

*Back at the house*

"Do you think Tyler will be able to find the shooter before..." I trailed off looking at Luke, waiting for him to respond with a hopeful answer as Maya chuckled in the background rolling her eyes.

"I hope he does. I mean, I'm certain he will. We don't need to stress too much. If worst comes to worst, we have to tell Ashton." Maya groaned in the background.

"What the fucks your problem." I yanked the tape off her mouth and she let out a laugh.

"You really are naive aren't you. Thinking that you all can save poor Elena." She laughs again. "Tyler won't be able to get to the shooter in time. You all can hope for the best, but you and I know that there's no way in hell or heaven that she's going to escape alive."

"Ha, that's what you think. It's not like you can escape or do anything. You're tied down in that chair. No way of escaping."

"Or so you think! Maybe I know techniques of being able to escape from such cases. What you think this my first rodeo? No hun. You're merely mistaken." I didn't even respond. Just looked at her dead in the eye and glared her down. In my head thoughts were running around. what if she's right and Elena doesn't survive.  

"What the hell do you mean by she won't survive!? Did you set up someone else to shoot her?" Luke looks at me with a pale face as though that thought had not occurred to him. 

"Only time will tell sweetie. I'm not about to spoil it for you now. Have fun trying to put the pieces together." she smirked at me and started humming. I began to get irritated by Maria's behaviour and 2 hours had passed by since Tyler left so I decided to shoot him a text to see if there were any new updates on the whole situation.


No nothing yet. Harry and I are still trying to get a lead. How are you guys holding up?

Not so good. I think Maria may have hired more than one person. She said something like "there's no way in hell or heaven that she's going to escape alive." 

Tyler left the message on seen. I didn't know if I should message him again, so I put the phone down and instead I began to investigate Maria.

"Listen here bitch! You better start talking."

"Oh I'm so scared. What are you going to do? You cant exactly kill me or harm me in any way. I'm not about to tell you anything. So goodluck trying to figure things out." I threw the vase off the dresser in Maria's direction, missing her just by 2 inches. The vase broke into a million tiny pieces. She jumped in her chair. 

"Speak the fuck up. I may not be able to hurt you, but I can and I will harm people you love, emotionally and mentally."

"You re not capable of doing any such thing and we all know that."

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