The Plans (P.1)

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Everyone was meeting up at Emmalees house. We had a party to plan, within 2 days. Elena's birthdays on Wednesday and we don't have anything planned for her.

i head into Emms house and find her on the couch drawing out some ideas.

"Watcha doin?"

"Holy mother gracious! You scared the shit out of me!"

"maybe next time I'll actually scare you."

"Shut up Asshole." I sit down beside her. "Woah fatty watch it, don't sit down on my drawings."

"What are the drawings for anyway? DO NOT CALL ME FAT."

"they're plans for Elena's party. And your fat."

"Shut up, ur the bitch. Cool working ahead of the group?"

"Yeah, cause none of you boys are gonna do anything only the girls have to do everything. And thanks for calling me a bitch, technically you just called me beautiful asshole."

"Shit." I mumble under my breath. "Well so what are we planning?"

"A royal theme, or maybe one of El's favourite band theme."

"Okay... that's a great idea, but I think it would be better if we hired El's favourite band."

"You mean 1D?" Selena called out from behind me.

"Yeah. And hey Sel."

"Hey ash. That's a cool idea, id say, but do you have that much money?"

"No, but I can ask my mum, you know she never says no."

"Alright then, the bands coming. What else are we missing?"

"The actual plan?" Chase and Luke suggest

"Right the 'actual plan'. Ash how are planning on surprising El?"

"What the..? I'm supposed to distract her for a whole day? No freakin way! I can't do that I don't even know how to distract her. Ask Chase, he's better at getting beaten up by her, and keeping her company but me? Nah."

"I'll do it Chicken, Infact I haven't spent anytime with her lately." Josh calls out from the kitchen. I dont get it, when did these people even get here? or were they already here and I hadn't noticed. Hmm ironic.

"Okay then, Josh your keeping Elena company, do you know what you need to do?" Emm asks concerned that he may ruin the whole surprise.

"Jesus Emmalee calm down I won't ruin anything, trust me."

"I do trust you."

"Then shut up and let him do what he has to." I say.

"Well what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. What do you want me to do?"

"You..." Selena goes into deep thinking for a moment. "...Should hang out with El and Josh. Well take care of the party decorations."

"Okay, I guess I'm still part of that actual plan, great."

"What's with you anyway? It's like you want to keep a distance between you and El lately."

"It's... nothing."

"Doesn't seem like that."

"Just leave the topic Ashley."

"Okay grumpy pants."

I guess I'm still part of the actual plan. But then when will I have the time to plan out the 'special' plans I have for just me and El. I want to make this the perfect birthday for her, but I cant, not with Maria getting in the way. She Keeps calling, texting, and emailing me asking to get back together. Of course I don't want to be with her, she's well... A basic bitch.

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