Pick Up The Pieces

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I woke up early, earlier than usual. I had something planned out for Elena to keep her distracted while Luke and I get everything ready for tomorrow. 

I walk into Elena's room and find her fast asleep. I placed the piece of paper on the pillow beside her. As I exit the room I bump into none other than Maria. She was enraged with anger. 

"What were you doing in Elena's room." Her face was turning a bright red, yet her tone was calm. 

"Not that it's any of your business but I was checking up on her." She smiles at me and walks away. I start to head down the stairs to meet Luke when I hear the door behind me creak open. I had a feeling Maria was going to go inside, and she did. I raced back up the stairs and into the room. Maria was holding the paper which had a riddle written for Elena. 

"Checking up on her huh?" She smirks and rips the paper in front of my face. "Next time it'll be her throat I rip out." She whispers in my ear and exits the room. At this point, I am more than ready to grab the vase off from the nightstand beside Elena and just hit Maria's on the head. I don't care if she dies. I walk out after Maria and close the door behind be as quietly as possible so Elena doesn't awaken. 

I grab Maria by the wrist and drag her into my room. "What the fuck was that!"

"That was me trying to protect her."

"Maria, we are over. Get it through your fucken brain! We have been done for a long amount of time, and nothing you do will change my mind. I don't love you. I was forcing myself to. You need to understand that."

"Ya I understand, I understand that that wretched witch has taken control over your damn mind.'

"MARIA! For fucks sake. I LOVE HER!"

"No, that's what you think. Ashton, baby I'm here to save you from her. She's the one who broke us apart. She stole you. She's trying to make you think like you love her, but you don't you love me."

"She hasn't cast any spell on me, and I don't love you. Get it through your head, and stop playing these pathetic games of yours. You won't accomplish anything."

"That's what you think. Clearly, you don't know me hon."   

"I'm giving you one last warning Maria, after this, I'll do something that you and I will both regret."

"You're so adorable babe, you think you can win against me? You don't even have a chance. You're not capable of doing anything and you know that."

"Seriously Maria do-" right as our argument was getting more heated up, Luke burst into the room.

"I've been looking all over for you."

"Everything okay?"

"Yea. Everythings fine. You okay?"

"Fine," I say rolling my eyes at Maria. 

"Obviously you're not okay. What the fuck she do now?"

" 'She', didn't do anything. It's what he did." 

"Maria, I swear to god, I will murder you. This maniac ripped the riddle I wrote for Elena."

"Yea so? it's just a pathetic riddle."

"Listen you, I don't know who you think you are trying to come between Ashton and Elena, but if you try and hurt their relationship somehow, I will become your worst nightmare. So stay the fuck away."

"You all are so cute trying to threaten me. None of you can do what I can do. Ashton, I'M warning YOU! If and when you date Elena, I'll be there, watching you like an angry hawk. I will ruin the two of you within minutes."

"I'd like to see you try!" snickers Emmalee. "Elena is my best friend. You dare do anything to hurt either one of them and I'll break your legs. You're alone Maria, but Ashton and Elena have all of us. If I see you near either one of them, I will actually strangle you. So before I get over there by Ashton and finish counting to three, get the fuck out of his room." Maria gives clenches her fists by her side as her nostrils are flaring. She exits the room soon before Emmalee finishes counting to three. "Next time, stand up for yourself. yeesh." I just stare at her. "Well?"


"Don't you need to put the rest of the surprise together for her?"

"Oh yea, can you please take care of the situation here and make sure Maria doesn't-"

"Yea I'll handle everything. You two get going before she wakes up." I rush outside the house and hop into the vehicle.


I grab a blank piece of paper from the computer room and write the same riddle Ashton had written before. I open the door slightly to Elena's room. "Who is it?" 

"It's just me." I open the door wide.

"Do you not know how to knock geez."

"Sorry." I enter the room holding the paper. "Here." She takes the paper from me.

"Whats this?"

"An early birthday gift." 

"This is just a riddle."

"I know it is. The thing is in order to receive your gifts, you have to solve each riddle by trying to find the location."

"How do I do that?"

"The locations are within the riddle. You're going to have to use your head."

"And exactly what are these gifts."

"Can't tell you. Sorry."

"Okay at least tell me who the hell set all this up."

"We all did. Now get dressed! So we can go hunting for your gifts!"

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