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The elevator dinged, allowing for the doors to open once we'd reached the cafeteria. I scanned the area looking for Mr and Mrs Warren. I saw her stand up as soon as she saw me and walk over with that sad 'oh honey' look on her face. She hugged me immediately and patted me on the back assuring me it's okay. She then continued by giving my arms a light squeeze and a slight smile as she backed away to hug Tyler. I politely greeted the rest of the group. 

"Where's Chase?" Mr. Anderson asked, trying to hold himself together for his wife. Tyler took over to handle the matter as he could see I didn't have the strength to speak a the moment. I mouthed 'thank you' to him as we stood in the very back of the elevator. He gave my hand a slight squeeze as a way to say you're welcome and also to comfort me. 

Once we reached back to the 3rd floor, we exited the elevator and headed down the hall towards Chase's room. I once again found myself stopped in the tracks. Tyler led Mr and Mrs. Anderson to their son, while Mr and Mrs. Warren headed towards Ashtons. I felt as if I could not move from the very spot for some reason. I stood there with my adidas flip-flops,  the grey sweatpants with the dark grey-blue coloured hoodie. My hands by my side and my hair up in a bun. I felt like time was passing by and there was nothing I could do. I could not move, I couldn't feel any part of my body anymore. I felt cold and numbness creep up on me. I felt my body give up. I stood there and watched as everyone kept doing their thing. Tyler approached me and was talking to me, but all I could hear was ringing in my ears, I could make out what he was saying, but I couldn't find the words to speak. Tyler shook me, but I still couldn't find the words to say anything. I had gone into severe shock. I just looked at him and everything around me. I couldn't even feel the warmth of Tyler's hands. 

He eventually got one of the doctors attention to check up on me. He said some stuff to Tyler, but I couldn't seem to make out the words anymore. I had completely zoned out at this point. Next thing I know, Tyler gets me to sit down on the chair in Chases room. I looked at the faces of Chase's parents. They were in dismay. Crying and holding chases hands in their own. My heart ached as I saw how much pain they were in. I could see how deeply broken they were on the inside. I look at Chase laying there. With him connected to the machines and wires. He wasn't even being able to breathe on his own. I kept thinking why did this happen to my friends. Why all the bad shit happens to me. Am I the problem. Would everyone just be better off if I no longer existed. Tyler interrupted my thoughts by putting a glass up against my lips. It was ice cold apple juice. I drank the juice and felt myself feel a little better. 

"Hey, you okay?" Tyler asked softly rubbing my back. I nodded looking at him. "Oh good, you had me freaked out there for a moment." Just as he said that, Chase's heart rate shot up high. His mom began to shout for a doctor in panic. He told us to exit from the room. His mom was hesitant, because after all that is her child in the room. Her husband had to drag her away while hugging her. She broke down in his arms crying and saying "My baby. My sweet baby" over and over again. The next thing we heard on the speakers was "Code blue. I repeat code blue!" Next thing I see are doctors and nurses running into Chase's room with a crash cart. The moment I saw that crash cart, I knew the news was about to be really bad. 

We waited for what seemed like hours. Hoping to hear the news on Chase. None of us. knew how much time had passed exactly. We just sat there praying and hoping the doctor would come out of the room with some good news if not all. I looked at how panicked Mrs. Anderson was, her husband and Ashton's parents were all comforting her. I wanted to say something, but I kept to myself, after all what could I do?

"Do you want more juice?" Tyler asked. 

"No." I finally spoke. "What happened to me though?"

"You went into shock and your blood pressure had dropped significantly. Which is normal in a case like this. I'm just glad you're okay."

"I am. Thanks." I say. 

After a few more minutes the doctor walked out of the room and into the sitting area where we had been requested to go wait. I knew off bat that the news was about to be horrible. He walked on out over to us, with a face of guilt. Immediately I knew Chase was no more. I remember receiving the news of my parents passing, the doctor had the same expression on his face. I didn't even bother to stand up. I listened as he told the parents their son was no more. I watched as his mother threw a fit and screamed and cried. I sat there motionless and just blinking at the doctor as anger took over me. I wanted to scream and throw things, but I sat there just letting the feeling cool out. Tyler kept begging the doctor to try again to revive him, but there was no way they could since he was brain dead. 

"I truly am sorry." He said as he looked at all of us. I knew that the harder part was yet to come for his parents. They're the ones who have to decide whether to pull the plug and if they wanted to donate his organs or not. I knew this wasn't about to be easy. 

I still couldn't believe I had lost one of my closest friends. I used to annoy him and we drove each other crazy, but he was a big part of me. I went back into the room alone, where he was, with machines still attached to him. I held his hand in mine and looked at him. He looked so peaceful. I kissed him on the forehead with tears rolling down my face. "I am so sorry." I whispered. "This was not how life was supposed to go for any of us. We were all supposed to get married and have kids and still annoy each other. Because that was our dream." I sniffled trying to catch my breath and the words to say. "I was still suppose to annoy you and get into fights with you over the dumbest things. This isn't fair. You weren't even supposed to be in this bed. I was. I should have been the one in this bed. Not you. I hope you know that I love you so much. You were the greatest friend and brother like figure to me." I put my forehead against him one last time before I kissed him on the forehead once more and walking away. Right after I exited, his parents entered into the room with the doctor to make the decisions. Cops were in the waiting room getting information from my friends on what had happened. I looked towards the room where Ashton was and went on in. I didn't exactly feel like talking to the cops. So instead I sat on the chair in Ash's room and watched him instead. I was scared of losing him too. I lost my parents and Chase, I couldn't bear more loss. 

I know I had said I wasn't going to post another chapter anytime soon, but I couldn't resist. I just had to let you guys in on what was happening. 
And I did say there were going to be a lot of emotions in this book. How are you guys feeling so far? What are you thoughts? Do you think Ashton will awaken? Will there be some kind of miracle? Let me know what you think!
I am grateful for all the love and support from you guys! I may put my work on this book on pause for a bit. In the meantime please check out my other books! And please do give me a follow on instagram (Luvnimmo) and support me on my pageantry journey. 
See you soon lovelies! PS: Don't forget to be amazing!

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