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As we reached the cafeteria, I saw Tyler, Emmalee, and Luke sitting all of them exhausted from the waiting and the crying. I told the group I was going to the bathroom, when all I wanted was a minute to myself. I really just needed a minute to catch up and be able to breathe again. I wasn't ready to be here, to have to wait on the news as to whether or not Chase and Ashton were going to make it. 

I walked away from them and headed down the halls, not knowing where I was going. I kept walking until I ended up in the NICU unit area. I stood at the window, looking in through the glass at the tiny humans that were brought into this world. I smiled a little, but with a worried look, because as I saw these innocent souls, I knew their innocence wouldn't last long in a terrible world in which we live. 

After I felt calm and somewhat at peace, I headed back to the cafeteria where all my friends were sitting. Half of them had their heads down on the table, the others were just sitting and waiting for the doctor. I looked at their pale faces, and all I wanted to do was take that sick feeling that they were also feeling, away. I wanted to hug them and tell them all would be okay, but the gut feeling in my stomach told me otherwise. I knew my gut feeling was not wrong, but just this once, I wish it had been wrong. As I approached the group, the doctor did too from right behind me. Everyone at the table stood up immediately, because the waiting was killing us all. 

"I have some news."

"Good or bad?" Tyler jumped in. The doctor looked at our faces as he fumbled around to find the correct words and terms to tell us. 

He told us that Chase was lucky that the bullet hadn't been anywhere near the heart, however because the bullet did enter in and puncture one of his lungs, there was excessive bleeding. Although they were able to operate and get the bullet out, they couldn't say for sure if he'd be okay until he woke up which could take up to hours. After that he gave us the news that Ashton had encephalitis, and according to the doctor this happened because Ashton's immune system responded to a previous infection and mistakenly attacked the brain, which caused him to lose his consciousness. Due to all that he was now in a coma.

I looked around at the faces of my friends, some having to grip onto the table, while others sat down at the news of Chase possibly not surviving and Ashton being in a coma. I stood there still as a statue and just looking at the doctor. I cleared my throat before I opened my mouth to speak. "So um, can we see them?" 

"Ya, absolutely, but may I ask if either of their parents are coming?"

"They are." I said nodding my head as I softly smiled giving him a silent signal to lead the way to the boys. He took us up to the 3rd floor. Both were in different rooms, but not too far apart. Half the group went towards Chases room and the other half including myself ended up in Ashtons. 

Looking at him, all I wanted to do was cry. I wished it were me on that bed instead of him. I looked at all the wires that were attached to him, I just wanted to take them all out. I approached him on the left side, and placed my hand on his chest, as I lowered down to give him a kiss on the forehead. I then whispered "You're going to be okay Warner. You're gonna wake up, cause I haven't finished annoying you just yet. You hear me." I kissed him on the cheek before backing away and just holding his hand. Luke placed his hand on my shoulder from behind. A nurse walked in to check in on him to make sure his heart rate and everything was proper. 

"We should go and let the nurse check in on him." Emmalee smiled as she took my hand and walked me out the room. I looked back to take a glance at Ashton once more before we headed down the hall to Chase's room. As soon as we got to the door I stopped. I couldn't bear to see him attached to all the wires and machines too. I told Luke and Emmalee to go on inside so that I could attend the call I was getting. It was Ashtons parents. 

"Hello?" I walked away from Chase's room to answer the call.

"Hi sweet heart. it's me"

"Hi Mrs. Warren. Are you and Mr. Warren here?"

"Yes we're at the entrance actually."

"Okay, I'll be right down."

"Alright sweetie."

"Are Chase's parents with you?"

"Yes, we're all together. We're going to head on over to the cafeteria while we wait for you."

"Okay." I hung up and headed towards the elevators. I pressed the button and waited for the elevator which seemed to take forever. As I entered in, I saw Tyler running right towards me. I held the elevator door open. "Why are you running?" I asked.

"I was just trying to catch up to you."

"Why did something happen to Chase?"

"No, no, nothing happened to him. I was just wondering where you were going. Cause you just walked off."

"Oh I'm going down to get your parents and also Chase's."

"I'll come with." I nodded as we rode the elevator down to the cafeteria. 

OKAY! So, for one, sorry for posting this chapter a little late. I would like to add that I won't be writing for a bit because I am going to be busy with finals and pageantry stuff, SO in the meantime, please let me know what you think is going to happen! I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this. I am always happy to hear from you guys. And it would mean the world if you guys could follow me on IG: Luvnimmo and support me for the pageant. Thank you guys for being so amazing and liking and sharing my book. I am truly grateful. See you soon lovelies! Don't forget to be amazing! 

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