Home Sweet Home

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we had a long day at school. everyone hangs out at my place, well since my house is huge! Don't bother asking.

"Hey El?"


"can I make coffee."

"NO, NO, NO! if someone wants something you can tell me. I don't want you guys making a mess like last time. Remember what you did last time you were in my kitchen Chase?"

"I still remember that was hilarious! Exploding the coke bottles, throwing flour at each other, man we had made a huge mess! It was AWESOME!"

"It was not Awesome!I got in trouble because of you 6 the last time you guys did that!"

"Aww poor you."

"Chase I swear to gods I will kill you!" I start running after him wait a shoe in one hand, while I tried to grab him with my free hand, while the others sat there and watched in amusement. "What the hell! Can't any of you help me!" I say after I caught Chase.

"Nope, it's fun watching the two of you try killing each other." says Josh.

"Oh is it now?" I say running up to him.

"Shit don't hurt me! please don't hurt me!" I laugh.

"I  wasn't even going to try."

"Well you ran over here, I thought you were going to hurt me."

"No idiot! I wouldn't hurt you, but I would hurt Chase! I swear to god you better not go near the kitchen unless you promise me you will not make a mess!"

"Fine, fine I wont make a mess, now can I make coffee?"

"Yeah yeah." He runs into the kitchen cause he knows I would try to stop him again. I sit down on josh's lap.  He wraps his arms around my waist, I don't mind, since he is my bestie!

"El, you and Ash should so go out!" Emm says.

"EWW NO!" Me and Josh say at the same time, we look at each other and burst out laughing.

"Aw why not?" Asked Emm after we caught our breath I spoke.

"Cause it'd be awkward to date my bestfriend!"

"Uh huh! Yeah totally El, totally!" I look at her and give her a glare, she gets the hint, but doesn't shut up! "Did you guys know that Elena's crushing on someone?"

"Oh my gosh! Really!? Who?" Asked A. I got up and ran into my room, Josh followed me, and locked the door behind him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing... I just- I - I don't want Ash to know."

"That you..."

"Yeah that I like him. Plus you know how much he loves that b**** Maria. Ugh I hate taking her name!" I start crying, Josh hugs me tight.

"He's a jerk! He doesn't even know what he's loosing, and when he realizes he'll be hurt, let him! He deserves it! He doesn't deserve you. He's pathetic!" I cling onto Josh tighter. His shirt was soaked with my tears. Josh wiped away my tears and kissed my cheek. I soon fell asleep cuddling up next to him.

Someone knocked on the door after an hour. I woke up, only to notice Josh lying there beside me, with his arm around my waist. I got up to unlock the door, at the door was A.

"Are you okay!? it's been 3 hours! you haven't come down, I was worried, and Emm down there won't tell any of us who you like."

"Good I don't want her to tell any of you, and me and Josh fell asleep, so-" he hugged me tight before I could even finish my sentence.

"Well next time you could at least put a note on the door saying 'Do Not Disturb' or something so I know." I look at him with -are you serious- face. "And yes I am dead serious!"

"Okay Mr. Overprotective, I'll make a little poster." He kisses my cheek, which makes me blush, but obviously he couldn't notice that since my room was dark, and the lights were turned off. "I'm gonna go back downstairs, you can go sleep if you'd like to."

"please, and thank you." I say as he walks away and back downstairs. It's amazing how he can make my stomach flutter just by his small little touches. Butterflies were running around throughout my body, electricity was flowing through each one of the veins in my body. I walk back to where Josh was lying, and lie down. I don't mind having Josh to cuddle with me, well he is more of a cuddle buddy. I fall asleep hugging him and hiding my face in his chest.

I Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now