The Awakening

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When I had first reached outside the house, I stood on the porch for a moment, debating whether it was even worth going inside. As I was debating with myself, I heard a crashing sound inside the house with muffled sounds coming from inside. I couldn't make much of what was happening, but I was definite that someone was pissed off. 

I sprung to unlock the door, which had already been open. As I stepped in, a plate had landed right by my feet merely seconds before I had stepped inside, shattered into hundreds of pieces. I heard Ashton screaming in the back. I slowly made my way over to the living room where he was shouting at the top of his lungs. As I turned the corner towards the room, I saw the whole gang there, trying to calm Ashton down. 

I locked eyes with Ashton, he was full of anger, holding yet another object in his hands to chuck at the ground. He was furious. I did not know what to say, nor had I known what was happening. I walked over to Ashton and placed my hands upon his as I slowly removed the object from his hands and placed it on the ground. I then helped him to calm his breathing. As he tried to get a control of his anger, I walked towards Tyler, pulling him aside to find out what the hell was happening. 

"You wanna explain to me why Ashton's so angry?" I asked in a stern yet calm tone. "Well?" I asked more firmly still waiting for Tyler to find the right words. 

"Ash got some of his memory back..." he said in a hushed tone. My eyes widened, my heart rate picked up significantly and my mind was racing with many thoughts. "He started to remember small things at first, and then he began to get snippets of his memory back. He eventually was able to piece together the things which Maria had said to him prior to your birthday and he just snapped. He's been throwing things around and going off ever since."

"Bu... I... I don't get it. How's this even... I mean-" I could not process anything that was happening so I just stopped talking and turned around to look at Ashton who was still furious as ever and was trying to calm himself. 

"I don't know when or how he was able to remember anything, but he does. He's slowly getting his memory back."

"Does he remember me...?" I asked painfully. 

"I'm not sure, but you should try and talk to him. I think you two need this."

"What if he doesn't remember me Ty..? What if he starts acting bizarre again the way he did in the hospital?"

"I'm sure if he remembers the small things, he definitely remembers you too. Do you want us to give you some time alone with him?"

"I don't know Ty. I want to spend some time but I'm also scared."

"We'll be in the backyard if you need us, but do try and talk to him. Who knows, you may be the key to him regaining his memory fully."

I silently stood there looking at Ashton while Tyler took everyone out to the backyard. I didn't have the courage to talk to Ashton. It'd been a while since we spoke, which was indeed before the incident took place. I fumbled around with the loose threads on my shirts arms. Ashton too had calmed down and gone completely silent, unable to speak, seemed as though his throat was tied in knots. The atmosphere in the room was full of negativity. You could just sense the tension from a mile away. 

Eventually Ashton began to walk towards me, our eyes locked, but neither of us speaking a word. I could tell from his eyes that he knew. He knew who I was cause he had that spark in his eyes again. He was finally calmed down. As he moved closer, I felt the anxiety sky rocket inside me, but I remained calm. He stood a foot away from me, his body lingering over mine. He took my hand in his, his eyes filling with tears before he pulled me in and hugged me tightly. My body froze, not knowing how to respond. We stood in that position in the middle of the living room for merely a minute or so before he pulled away. I looked at him while wiping away his tears. 

"I'm so sorry." he muttered. "I really am Elena." Shocked by hearing him say my name after such a long time, I stepped back almost tripping backwards, but Ash caught me almost immediately, holding onto me. He looked at me in the most warm, loving way, sending chills throughout my body and butterflies within my stomach. I could sense Ashton was once again himself. 

"You remember me?" I asked, still surprised. 

"I do. I remember almost everything."

"Do you remember the incident?"

"Bits and parts, it's still coming back to me, just slowly. I remember Chase getting shot. Maria wanting to hurt you. Tyler and Maria dating. There's still some pretty significant memories that are missing and I don't know how long it'll take for those gaps to fill, but there's one thing I'm certain of."

"What's that?"

"That I fell in love with my best friend." Before I even had the opportunity of responding, he kissed me with passion and I could hear all our friends in the background cheering. I smiled as I looked at Ashton after having pulled away from the kiss. 

"I'm in love with my best friend too." I said looking into his eyes. 

BAM! That's the end of the story folks! Do you wish for me to continue writing a second book? Or shall I leave the rest to your imagination to figure out what happened?
All I can say is thank you for all the love and support which you all gave to this book. It is through all that love and support that I was finally able to finish writing this book. Took me about 8 years to complete this book, but here we finally are. I am utterly grateful to each of you. Thank you! If you liked this book, make sure to check out my other ones. <3

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