Chapter 19 : Happy Valentine's Day!

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Sam's P.O.V:

"What do you mean? Whats wrong? Oh my gosh dont tell me you were dating someone else while we werent together"
"No of course not. Its just that... hmm.. Harry Styles and the rest of One Direction might have posted bad things about me on twitter. And now everyone hates me" he showed me his phone and it was management warning him.
"Oh... im sorry. I kind of told them what happened but i didnt think they would make it public like that"
"No. Its okay. I acted like a jerk" i grabbed my phone and started dialing Harry's #. After a couple rings he answered.


"Harry. Im so glad you answered"
"Oh hey Sam. Do you need something? Did Geoffrey do something to you? Because ill go look for him right now-"
"No. No. Im okay. We cleared things out and we're back together-"
"Sam! Really? After all he did?"
"I told you we cleared things out"
"Well then, thats your choice."
"Yes it is. Okay so i want you to take down all those tweets where youre talking bad about him...maybe say you were kidding or something? He's getting lots of hate for it"
"Ill do it, but consider this...its not for him. Its because you told me"
"Thank you. Youre the best" i hung up and turned to Geoffrey.
"There. Everything will be back to normal"
*3 months later*

Its been 3 long months. Ugh! So, im really glad Geoffrey has been by my side all this time. Management talked to him about this whole baby thing and they came to an agreement.... his tour would be on a short pause for now, but as soon as the baby is born he has to go back to touring. Im actually really relieved to hear this, because im really scared about EVERYTHING. Its scary to think that im responsible for anything that could happen to this baby. I have to make sure to eat right and be careful with things around me... its just scary. Also, ive been craving so many things, its just insane. I feel so bad for Geoffrey though because everything that i crave, he makes sure to get it for me. He's just so sweet. I dont know what i would do without him .

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

Sam has been really good about the pains and nauseas she gets, but shes been insanely craving things all day every day. For example yesterday... she said she wanted chocolate cake, i drove to the store and i bought her a cake, then she said that she wanted fruit instead so i cut fruit in little cubes just for her. But then she changed her mind and she wanted gummy worms! I really want to keep her happy, because shes also been having these mood swings lately... its crazy. At one time she's super happy, then she gets sentimental and sometimes even starts crying. I dont understand women.

*Couple Days Later- Valentine's Day*

So today is valentine's day but i dont know what to buy Sam. I really want this to be special, but its really hard since i cant take her out anywhere since she's 7 months pregnant already.
"Hello :) How much is this ring?"
"Oh thats $500. We have more on this side. Whats the purpose?"
"Um.. for proposal?"
"Oh okay. We have plenty more on the right side of the store. We have from all selections different styles.. mostly depends on the girl's style"
"Hmm... i really like that one over there"
"Oh thats a good choice. Its the most expensive one we have in this store though"
"Thats fine. Price doesnt matter. Im taking that one" i paid the salesman and i walked out with my valentine's day present. I went to Sam's apartment and she was there with her little nephew.
"Oh hey Cody. Do you remember me?"
"Yeah" right behind him came a guy. I guess he was Sam's brother. And he punched me right in the face.
"Oh Gosh! Whyd you do that?!" Yelled Sam. She helped me get up, since i had almost fallen with the punch.
"-Geoffrey are you okay?"
"I cant believe you would get my little sister pregnant!-" i turned to look at him.
"Dude im sorry-"
"No! Why would-"
"Hey just leave Geoffrey alone! Wasnt it my fault too?"
"It was pretty much both of us. So dont blame Geoffrey! Please just listen to me first"
"Im sorry Sam. Its just that youre my little sister... i dont want anyone to hurt you"
"And nobody will hurt me. Because i have Geoffrey with me" i hugged him tightly and he turned to Geoffrey.
"Hey dude im sorry about how i reacted. Its just that-"
"No dont. Its okay. Im sure if someone got my sister pregnant id kill them... so im really really sorry" after Sam's brother left, we sat down to watch a movie. It was Nemo, and Sam's mood swings were back at it... she cried and it was just weird because it wasnt even a sad part yet!

"Hey babe are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Its because... Nemo...he's- aaaah" she started crying so i just hugged her.
"Oh its okay. I know poor Nemo"
"No! You dont even know! I dont think youve lived a life like him. He doesnt even have a mom...its sad!! Oh my gosh why!? Why couldnt Nemo live a happy life" she cried even more and i couldnt handle but laugh a little.
"Geoffrey! Why are you laughing!?"
"Oh no reason im sorry babe. So what were you saying about Nemo?" She didnt hear me.
"Omg Nemo is soooo adorable just look at him!! Haha i bet his little babies would be cute. I wish i had a fish like Nemo. Id probably name him Nemo..." all i have to say is wow. All of a sudden she got happy again.
"Oh okay. What if we buy a fish and we name him Nemo?" I guess that would make her happier.
"No! What if he lives the same faith as Nemo! That would be sad... lets not do that"
"Okay chill.. we wont buy a fish and name him Nemo"

Sam fell asleep for like about 2 hours and i decided to get ready for when she wakes up.

"*yawns* i was so tired. Im glad i had time to sleep"
"Hey babe. Im glad you got to rest a little because i have a surprise for you" i got the box out and i got down on one knee...
"Hey Sam. I hadnt been able to find the way to do this, but um.. i guess today was the perfect day. Look, i have loved you ever since the day i met you. I knew you were my perfect match... youre pretty from the inside and out. Youre nice, and really sweet. We have so many things in common and you always manage to make me smile when i see you... okay look...yes this is supposed to be a proposal. I know it might not have been the best, but....will you marry me?" I looked at her straight in the eyes and she started crying, then she came over to hug me.
"Of course i will! I love you way more! Oh my gosh Geoffrey" she let go of me and kept crying. It was her mood swings again.
Finally another chapter right?
Ive just been busy lately. With school like always :/ But Hey... HAPPY early VALENTINE'S DAY!
:) (:

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