Chapter 10 : Stand By Me

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Sam's P.O.V:

"What song do you want me to play?" I asked him while grabbing my guitar out of the closet.
"Hmm... surprise me" i started thinking for a while and i knew exactly what song. My favorite song of all time....Stand By Me

I started playing the song and i could tell he instantly knew what song it was, he started singing after the first line...
"When the night has come, and the land is dark....y la luna es la luz que brilla ante mi. Miedo no, no tendre-" i stopped playing.
"You know this song?!" I asked smiling.
"Of course! I sing this version its in my album actually. My version is spanglish if you havent noticed yet"
"Thats amazing. This is my favorite song" i grabbed my guitar again.
"Keep playing so i can keep singing. We sound awesome" i started playing all over again and he kept singing. After i got through the whole song he started clapping.
"Whats that for?"
"You were amazing. Not just anyone can play the guitar like that" i smiled and put my guitar down.
"Well thank you :) but not just anyone has a voice like yours either. I love how you sing"
"Can you play another song before i leave? Its getting late-" he yawned and laid on the carpet floor.
"Okay. Ill play until i get tired...." i grabbed my guitar again and while Geoffrey was laying on the floor i started playing some songs. I started with 'Little Things' by One Direction and then i also played the 'Star Spangled Banner' for some reason i felt like playing that one. Then i started playing '22' by Taylor Swift...
"Uggh ok i think im done. I got tired, i did 3 whole songs you should be proud of me" i took my guitar back to the closet and i closed it.
"Huh? Youre proud of me?" there was no answer. I looked down and Geoffrey was sound asleep. He looked adorable but i swear i just heard him snore... *snore* uggh there he goes again.
"Geoffrey" i whispered shaking him a little. He didnt wake up.

Should i just let him stay here? Or nah?
"Fine. I guess you can stay here, but i feel bad that youre on the floor" i whispered. He was still snoring though.

He seemed kind of cold so i brought out a blanket and i covered him with it. Then i got on my bed and went to sleep.

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

When Sam started playing the songs on her guitar i thought it was so cool. I was really sleepy though and i guess i ended up falling asleep. When i was about to wake up, i saw her bringing a blanket and apparently it was for me... i heard her say "Fine.I guess you can stay here-" so i instantly closed my eyes and went back to sleep. I even fake yawned, i hope she didnt notice.
*1:30 am*

I woke up because i needed to go pee and i saw Sam hugging her puppy really tight. I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture of it.

When i came back from the restroom, i heard someone talking. It was Sam. I guess she talks in her sleep.
"Geoffrey youre soo cute...." she said in her sleep. I knew she had a thing for me ;).
"-I like you too :)" she smiled as she said that. It kind of started creeping me out. I walked back to my bed (or i mean carpet) and she instantly stopped talking.

I wonder what she would think if i tell her what she was saying in her sleep.
*8:00 am*

I woke up this time for good. I got up and changed, then since Sam was still asleep...i decided to make breakfast.

I walked to the kitchen and started opening the cabinets... uggh how do you even make any of this? I started going through all the food and i had no idea how to cook anything. "Oh pancakes sound good :)" i started talking to myself. I grabbed the box and started reading the instructions.
"Boo!" It was Sam she probably woke up with my noise.
"That didnt scare me :P"
"Whatever. So what are you doing in the kitchen? Are you hungry?" She jumped to sit on the counter.
"Yeah kind of. But all of a sudden i have an interest in learning how to make pancakes"
"Ill make them right now dont worry"
"Why dont you teach me instead? Pleeease" i made my sad puppy dog eyes.
"Ok fine. Let me just go get my hair up"
"Ok. Ill wait for you" i started grabbing all the ingredients i grabbed 4 eggs, vegetable oil, pancake mix and a cup of water.
"Im back :). Lets get started with this"
"Let me grab a bowl first" i grabbed a bowl and she started telling me what to do.
"Soo put the pancake mix in first-"
"All of it or half?"
"Um.. just half"
"Okay. How's this!" I threw pancake mix at her.
"Oh youre on Royce!" She grabbed the eggs and cracked them right on my hair!

"Oh goodness! Not the hair! Oh Sam you are sooo gonna get it!"
"Get what? :-P XD"
"OMG you sicko!"
"Eeww i didnt mean it that way! Freakin' Royce!" She went towards the fridge so i grabbed the rest of the eggs and cracked them on her hair too.
"There ya go" she grabbed the rest of the pancake mix and threw it all at me. My face was literally covered in pancake mix.
"Dont worry, you look so cute with pancake mix on your face " she said sarcastically, laughing.
"And you look simply gorgeous with those eggs on your hair. They really compliment your eyes" she made an angry face.
"I was kidding!"
"So now we have to clean up this mess. I gotta admit it was fun though :) i had never had this much fun with a guy before"
"What do you mean with a guy?"
"Yeah. Like i always thought guys were just jerks and when i met my friend Alex i thought he was nice, but he's too serious most of the time. And youre fun and different from everyone else. Its pretty nice to have a friend like you" she smiled.
"I had never had this much fun either. Whenever i would do something like this people would get mad because i make a mess. And you on the other hand, played along with me" i started wiping everything off the counter.
"Yeah. I understand you, im pretty sure Alex would never do something like this. He's a clean freak"

After a couple minutes, the kitchen was good as new. It looked very clean.
"I say we go shower now. I hope these egg yolks will get out of my hair."
"Me too. This shower better help my hair or i dont know what im gonna do" she just covered her mouth and started laughing.
"Okay. Geoffrey chill. Ill even let you get in the shower first. Just please hurry" i got pushed into the bathroom to get in the shower. I locked the door.
*20 minutes later*

"Anytime now Geoffrey!"
"Im going!" I got out of the shower and i wrapped the towel around me. Oh uh... i dont have clothes here...
"Please hurry! My hair is horrible i have to get in"
"Actually. I need a huge favor!"
"What now?"
"I dont have clothes. Do you maybe have anything i can wear?"
"Nope. Sorry"
"Fine. Ill just leave this towel around me for a little bit and when you get out of the shower you can go to my hotel room and get me clothes yeah? Cuz i cant go out like this"
"Yeah okay" she went into the shower and got out about 15 minutes later.
"You want me to go get the clothes?" I got up and stood in front of her. I think she kind of felt awkward because i was literally naked. The only thing i had on was my towel.
"Okay so this is the key. Get in and go directly to my closet, just get the first thing you find it doesnt really matt-"
"OMG! Geoffrey!!" She turned around and covered her eyes.
"What? Oh um..-"
Aaaaahh!! I updated :) yess!! Okay... well im sorry i took so long. This chapter was done a couple days ago but i hadnt posted it yet because ive been really busy :(
And you guys might think i get random ideas for these chapters but i actually use my own hobbies here. Like Sam plays the guitar and i do too! :) i can play a couple songs and as of now im trying to learn Las Cosas Pequeñas :) Also, i talk in my sleep. Like uh oh its kind of awkward because i say random stuff.
But heeeeeyy :)
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