Chapter 27 :

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Geoffrey's P.O.V:
Its now been 6 months since we got reunited with baby Geoffrey. Valerie hasnt gotten caught, apparently her mom called and warned her that the cops were here, she got arrested for being an accomplice but we're worried Valerie is still out there. Im relieved that she didnt hurt Baby Geoffrey, but she can hurt any of us now, she's capable of anything.
"Whats wrong Geoffrey?"
"Can you tell me a stowy? Pwetty pwease?"
"Awwe. Of course. What kind of story?"
"How you and mommy met"
" thats a long story buddy. I dont know if i can tell you"
"C'mon daddy"
"Alright. Well, your mom and I.....*Continues story*......"
Sam's P.O.V:
I walked out of the room to check on Geoffrey and baby Geoffrey (well technically he's not my baby no more. He's a toddler, but....too bad) i heard Geoffrey's voice and i could hear him saying a story. I was walking back to my room when i heard him say my name, i peeked through the door and i saw baby Geoffrey really interested in whatever the story was about.
"-And then of course your mommy saw me and she instantly fell in love with looks and charmingness caught her attention instantly" oh now i get what the story is about. I walked into his room.
"Oh Geoffrey you wish! That did not happen"
"Yes it did. You fell for me instantly."
"Lies. Look Geoffrey, your daddy is lying. When i first saw him i thought he was good looking, but there was lots of girls that liked him so i never paid attention to him. After a while he started flirting with me and we fell in love... but he totally lied about me falling in love with him first"
"Mommy, whats fliwting?"
"Flirting is like..hmm....well when you like someone you start flirting with them which just means talking, but in a way that youre showing that person that you like them... youll understand when youre older"
"So daddy liked you and thats why he talked to you?"
"Yes Geoffrey... haha youre starting to understand the true story" I turned to his daddy and he giggled a little.
"Haha not exactly. I wasnt flirting with you.... i was just talking...i just thought i needed to talk to you since you were part of my crew now. Yo soy amable con todos, and that includes you too"
"Oh.... that reminds me...hmm i remember when i first saw you, i was leaving the dance studio and you stopped me and said 'Hey beautiful where you going?' And thats not flirting? ;)"
"No, i just thought you needed to know that youre beautiful and i wanted to make sure you werent going somewhere dangerous"
"Sure Royce sure. Oh you know what! Im gonna call you Royce from now on... so i wont mess you and baby Geoffrey up. He's Geoffrey and youre Royce. Ahora si van a saber la diferencia"
"But technically we're all Royce"
"Actually, im not Royce... so speak for yourself"
"Well-" he embraced me in a bear hug.
"- Youre future to be Royce... speaking of that, Sam do you still want to marry me?"
"Of course i do Royce! Why would you ask me that?" I asked confused.
"We havent talked about it in a while, so i was thinking maybe you were regretting being with me"
"Of course not. I would never regret being with you, it was the best decision of my life"
"Im glad you think that way, because we're getting married tomorrow..."
"I figured, you would want a lot of time to put stuff together, but i hired people to do everything... you have nothing to worry about, hm...except your dress. So i called Shanelli to come over so both of you can go look at dresses now..."
"Geoffrey! Youre lying right?! We get married tomorrow?!"
"Yes babe. I wouldnt lie about something like that, you do want to get married right?"
"Of course. But its really soon"
"C'mon Sam, we have to get married before next baby Royce comes"
"Wait.... H-how do you know?" I asked nervously.
"Know what?" He asked confused. Oh he doesnt know.
"Oh nothing. Soooo... where were we?"
"Sam, youre hiding something from me and you have to tell me"
"Im not hiding anything. Psh... youre funny"
Someone started knocking on the door. I ran to open it.
"Hey Sam ready to go shopping? and how's my favorite nephew of all time??" She ran in to hug Geoffrey. Its so cute how their aunt, nephew bond is really strong.
"Hi tia Shanelli"
"Alright Sam.... we should start going, because we dont have much time, my stupid brother shouldve told you about his plans before"
"Cough, Cough Shanelli! You know im still here right?"
"Im kidding Bro! I think its cute how youre doing all of this"
"Okay well you guys should get going. Ill take care of Geoffrey"
"Okay....Bye Geoffrey, we'll be back in a couple hours. Love you"
"Love you too mommy!"
We started going through many stores and i couldnt find any dresses that i really liked. After about 2 hours i was starting to give up.
"Ugh Shanelli, im tired and i cant find any dresses that i really like, maybe i should just get whichever one"
"No Sam, we have to find your dream dress. We will find it just watch"
"Alright just 2 more stores. My feet are killing me!"
"But we havent even walked that much"
"Shanelli!! You know what im really craving?"
"Alright lets go buy one and after that, we can keep shopping"
"Oh no, i want pizza now!"
"Haha alright we'll get pizza"
"Shanelli, you know what? Im not hungry. Lets just finish shopping"
"Sam are you okay?"
"Im just craving stuff, its normal when youre pregnant you know?"
"Youre what!?!?!?"
"Im...t-tired! Yes, im tired... and my head is kind of going cu-cu"
"Look, you can trust me. Really, are you pregnant?"
"April fools! It was a joke!"
"Its May"
"Oh, i thought it was April. Sorry about the joke then"
"Sam! Im being serious! Please tell me the truth... and why dont you want my brother to know?"
"Okay well, i dont want to worry him. Ill tell him tomorrow promise"
"Ok. Well congrats!! And lets keep looking for dresses"
We walked into a store that had all kinds of dresses, i started walking through and there i saw dream dress! It was perfect!
"Whoa Sam calm down. What happened?"
"I found my dress! Its my dream dress!"
"I told you! We found it! Yay!! Okay now try it on"
As soon as i tried it on, i knew it was the dress.
"Im taking this one"
"Lets go pay for it now"
"Wait, how much is it? Its probably really expensive"
"That doesnt matter. My bro's rich remember?"
"But i dont want him to waste his money this much"
"Is this the dress you guys are taking?"
"Yes" answered Shanelli.
"You girls know this dress is really expensive right?"
"Yes we do. And we're taking it" answered Shanelli back.
"Its 10,000 dollars. Theres more dresses in the store if you guys want to look at them, theyre much less pricy"
"Do you not want us to buy it? My brother/ her Fiancé is rich for your information. He's Prince Royce"
"Prince Royce?! Really??"
"Oh sorry. Here you guys go. As soon as you guys get home, put the dress in your closet where itll be safe"
"Thank you"
We left the store and i started cracking up at Shanelli's reactions.
"Why are you laughing?"
"You just told that lady off! Haha good job Shanelli, i didnt think you had it in you"
"Well, lots of people dont know what i have in me. Since youre gonna be my sister-in-law, youre gonna figure it out"
"Wow okay.
Sorryyyyy!!! I took super extra crazy long to update.... i know. Ugh but yeah ive been much more busy lately since school is almost over.
But here's a super long chapter...
its an awesome song....its been stuck in my head for soooo long... he wrote that song for me :)) haha i wish.
P.S. when i take really long to update, you guys can just remind me and ill start working on a new chapter...

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