Chapter 21 : I Love You

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*Next Day*
Sam's P.O.V:

The doctor told me the baby and i were doing really good and he let us go home already. I was really relieved, maybe that way ill be able to see Geoffrey.

Shanelli talked with the doctor and he convinced her to go today and maybe if Geoffrey was doing a little better he would let visitors in to see him.
*on the phone*
"Sam? Its me Shanelli"
"Oh hey Shanelli"
"How are you? And baby Geoffrey?"
"We're good :) thanks for asking. Um.. have you gone know..-"
"To see Geoffrey? Yeah, um... the doctor let me go in to see him.. apparently he's doing better. But i see him in a lot of pain. He couldnt even speak to me! Sam... i cried" i could hear her cry through the phone.
"Uh. Shanelli?"
"Can you do me a huge favor?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"I really need to go see Geoffrey. Can you maybe take care of..-"
"Baby Geoffrey? Of course i will. Let me just get changed. I dont want my nephew to see me crying. Ill be there in 10 minutes"
"Thank you so much"
*10 minutes later*

"Thank you Shanelli. Take good care of him" i gave my baby a kiss in the cheek and i left.
"Of course i will"

As i was driving to the hospital, a really familiar song came on the radio... it was 'Stuck On A Feeling'. I started singing along and i laughed at how Geoffrey used to say he 'wrote that song for me' haha. After the song ended the radio person started saying something about Geoffrey, so i turned up the volume...
He has been last seen to enter the Sierra Pacific hospital last night at around 7. Also, his newborn baby seems to be perfectly fine. He was reported to have left the hospital earlier today with his mother.... We hope everything is fine with our 'Stuck On A Feeling' singer

I started to cry again. I dont know what to expect when i see him right now.

I walked up to the receptionist...
"Hello. How may i help you?"
"Yeah. Uh i came to see Geoffrey-"
"Really again!? All you fans have to stop trying to go in. I have specific instructions to not let you guys go in. So please dont make my job harder-"
"Im not a fan. Im his girlfri-"
"Oh that story again. Ive heard it like 10 times already. I know its not true"
"Im not lying! Now please i really have to see him.."
"Im sorry but you cant go in. How do i know youre not a fan?"
"um... i know! His sister just came like an hour ago. Do you remember her?"
"Yeah of course"
"How about you call her and ask her"
"You know what... just go in. I believe you"
"Thank you sooo much!" I started running to the hallway until i realized that i didnt know what room he was in. I ran back.
"Um sorry but i didnt get the room num-"
"Room 302"

I ran to the room and when i found it, it took me a while to open it. I could hear Geoffrey's voice like he was talking to himself.. i walked in.

He turned to see me and he smiled so sweetly, as if he was perfectly fine. I started crying.
"Babe dont cry. Im okay... "
"No youre not. And this is all my fault isnt it? I shouldnt have called you-"
"It wasnt your fault. I wasn-....ouch"
"Let me call the doctor" i ran out the room and i found a doctor outside.
"My boyfriend's having pain. Can you go check on him?"
"Yeah what room is he in?"
"302" we went back to the room and he checked Geoffrey.
"Where are you having pains?"
"My back"
"We need to get that checked. How about your legs and arms? Are they fine? Can you move them at all?"
"I cant move them much, but theyre not bothering me as much" the doctor called a nurse and they gave Geoffrey medicine for the pains he was having. Then they both left.
"That feels much better. Hey babe can you get me that pillow over there?" I grabbed the pillow and walked back to him.
"Where do you want me to put it?"
"Um.. right here" he pointed to where he wanted me to put the pillow.
"Thank you so much"
"Uh yeah..."

He looked at me with a confused face..
"Is something wrong?"
"Other than you being in a hospita-"
"Look. Sam, i told you im fine. Things couldve been so much worse but i got through it. Ill be fine in a couple weeks. Seriously"
"I dont know. It hurts me to see you in pain, and without me being able to help-"
"Well now you know how i felt when you were getting stomach pains and nauseas. Its the same thing. Now lets change the topic, and tell me how our baby is doing. Shanelli told me he was born yesterday.. i wasnt even able to be there. Thats what mostly hurts me" i sat in the hospital bed next to him.
"Well yes he was born yesterday. He's so big and he has chubby cheeks. He's just adorable. He looks like you"
"Of course..pssh he had to look like me. Haha jk. So what's his name? I didnt even get to ask Shanelli"
"I named him...Geoffrey. i thought it would be really cute to name him after his daddy"
"I agree. He is gonna rock that name better than me"
"Awwe im glad you liked the ide-" a nurse walked in.
"Im sorry, but visiting hours are gonna be over in 5 minutes"
"Oh. Um..thanks" the nurse left and Geoffrey turned to me.
"I guess youre gonna have to leave me alone :("
"Awwe are you really gonna miss me that much?"
"Of course i am babe. We have 2 minutes"
"I guess i should be going then-"
"What happened?"
"I need to give you a kiss. So get over here"
"Haha okay" we kissed and i saw him much better than i expected.
"Give baby Geoffrey a kiss for me yeah? And tell him i love him"
"Okay i promise ill do that. By the way... i love you"
"Love you too"

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