Chapter 18 : Whats happening?

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Sam's P.O.V:
"Hey" it was Geoffrey.
"What are you doing here!? Get out!" I screamed clearly mad at him.
"I-i just needed to see how youre doing. How's our baby? I can see he or she has been growing"
"Oh shut up! Thats none of your business! And he, because he's a boy, is my baby! Not yours!"
"Look please. Im really sorry... i dont know what got into me, but i didnt really mean it that way. I was just... i didnt know what to think"
"No. I dont want to hear any of your...." someone opened the front door... it was Liam.

Liam's P.O.V:

When i was getting in my car, i saw that Sam had left her phone in there so i went to her dorm to take it back. Honestly, i cant believe that Geoffrey guy... why would he do that to her? After he said he loved her, he just left her pregnant and ran away like a criminal.

I was about to knock on the door when i thought i heard Sam screaming at someone. I decided to just open the door, to make sure everything is fine.
"Sam you kind of forgot your phone-" i looked up and that Geoffrey guy was standing in front of me.
"Who are you?" He asked me.
"Im Liam. Im Sam's..."
"Boyfriend! Hes my boyfriend!" Sam turned to look at me and i knew what she was trying to do.
"Yeah. Im her boyfriend" i held her hand. Just to make it look a bit more real.
"What!? That cant be true. Sam what are you trying to do?"
"Nothing. Geoffrey im so over you. I wasnt gonna wait for you forever"
"Look Sam i know this isnt true. Its all an act right? right?" He started shaking Sam a little.
"No. And leave me alone"
"What about our baby? Sam thats our baby youre having... not this guy's!"
"Yeah. But its a baby you dont care about!"
"I told you i was sorry! I love you and our baby! So much you dont even understand"

Sam's P.O.V:

"- I love you and our baby! So much you dont even understand" tears started running down his face. I couldnt handle not wiping them off.
"Ugh. Geoffrey im sorry. Okay the truth is Liam isnt my boyfriend. I just wanted you to leave me alone" i let go of Liam's hand and i went over to hug Geoffrey. I really missed him.
"So you still love me?"
"Of course i do. You just had me so mad! I wanted to kill you!"
"Im really sorry. Its just that we're so young and we're already having a kid. Its stressful"
"Yeah i know. But look im barely 19 so im way younger than you" i got up and sat in a chair next to him.
"Dont worry. We'll get through this together"
"Well, i still want to know why you reacted that way right away.. when i first told you, i thought you would be happy. I was excited to tell you-" i started crying a little.
"Why dont we just forget that? Its not worth remembering no more. How about.... mejor le canto una cancion a nuestro baby?"
"Of course. He'll like that" he started singing 'Close To You' it was like a cute father son moment.
"Awwe i bet he liked that"
"Haha. Okay now a song for the future mommy. Hmm.. okay got it!" He started singing 'Kiss Kiss'
Hands on your hips as we dip
Now I'm trying to steal a kiss from your lips
I can't quit
Love is in the air
It's not fair
When you're moving
Diamonds in your hair
Catch the glare like a jewel in a flash of light
And it feels like I've been waiting all my life
But I need you tonight yeah

I don't wanna wait
You can say I'm dumb and in love
Blame it on my age
Baby cause I'm young that's enough
I don't wanna miss this
I just need a kiss kiss
Ooohh oohh
Oooo ooo ooo ooo oo"
"That was cute. I-"
"Um.. not trying to be mean. But why are you still here?" He pointed at Liam.
"I didnt give Sam her phone yet" Geoffrey grabbed the phone and gave it to me.
"Okay there" Liam instantly left.
"That wasnt very nice you know?"
"I know. But it kind of bothered me that he was here... so back to the song 'I dont wanna miss this, i just need a kiss kiss oh oooh oh oh" he gave me a quick kiss and then i turned the other way.
"Whats wrong?"
"You know we're like not a couple no more right?"
"We arent?"
"Nope. I broke up with you last time remember?"
"Oh well.... do you want to be my girlfriend? Again?"
"Hmm... i would have to think about it... jk yes!"
"Haha very funny. Okay so i guess everything is back to normal" Geoffrey then got a text on his phone.
"Yes thats amazing. Im glad everything is back to normal :)"
"Hmm... actually not exactly :/"
I did this in like 10 minutes! New record :) I just really felt like i owed you guys another chapter since i had taken long to update last time....

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