Chapter 13 : Soccer ⚽

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Sam's P.O.V:

The clock read 8:40. I was already 10 minutes late for my dance class and i still needed to get ready. I got up from Geoffrey's bed, (which i have no idea how i got there) and i walked to the living room. Geoffrey was asleep on the sofa, he looked so adorable. I walked into the restroom and fixed my hair quickly and i left to the studio. I knew i had to have clothes in my locker.

"Okay girls, so this is gonna be the last concert of the whole tour and it happens to be in New York. Its gonna be really exciting and memorable because we even have Romeo Santos confirming to come and perform with Prince Royce. Which means that our performance has to be amazing too"
"Aaaah omg Romeo Santos is coming!?!" I yelled. Oh goodness. I just love that guy so much.
"Yes he's coming. But we need you guys to be professional with him around. Lets not make him feel uncomfortable" said Taylor.
"Okay ill try to act more professional. I just got a little excited...sorry" we practiced a different choreography and this time the plan was for me to dance with both Romeo and Geoffrey.
"So.... i have to dance with both of them? Who do i dance with first?"
"Okay look... youre gonna start dancing with Royce first and then you move on with Romeo. Simple as that. We just really want this day to be memorable for everyone that is going. All tickets are sold out. People are even asking for us to add more dates to the tour"
"Thats good. And okay i get it now. Ill try not to fangirl promise" after practice i walked back to Geoffrey's hotel room, just to see if he was awake. When i walked in he was sitting on the couch, it looked like he had just woken up.
"Hey babe. Just woke up?" I asked him, putting my bags down.
"Yeah. Did you sleep good? I had to carry you to my room"
"Oh thats how i got there. And yeah i slept perfectly fine. You probably didnt, did you?" I sat down next to him and we cuddled for a while.
"Haha not really. But im okay, our last concert isnt until next month so we still have a little vacation time"
"Talking about us not being busy right now.... do you wanna play something with me?" I got up from the couch excitedly.
"Oh Sam... what are you thinking? ;)"
"Sicko! Im being serious! Do you like soccer?"
"Yeah i guess. Its okay... what? You wanna play soccer?"
"Yes. I wanna see if i can beat you :P"
"Fine. Let me just go change...-"
"Dont bother fixing your hair right now! And just wear a t-shirt with some sweats! Oh and do you have golie gloves!?" I yelled while he ran to change.
"No! Why would i have golie gloves!?"
"Uggh! I have some. Ill go get them! When youre ready go to my room okay!?"
"Okay!" I went through my closet and i threw everything out. Then i found my soccer ball, cleats, and gloves. I took them all out and laid them in my bed. Now i needed to change.

I looked through my closet and i found my adidas sweats so i put them on and then i wore the pink shirt that i normally use to dance class. I put my hair in a high ponytail and i walked to the living room with all my stuff.
"Hey princess! Can i come in?" Yelled Geoffrey through the door. He didnt even knock pssh..
"Come in!" As soon as he walked in he couldnt believe how i looked. Haha he didnt think i was sporty probably.
"What!? Stop staring at me!"
"Sorry. Its just that you look different. I didnt think you had this in you"
"Have what? Being sporty? Hey its because you have an amazing girlfriend" i smirked. We walked outside and there was a soccer court right in the back of the hotel. On the other side there was a pool and even a tennis court. But it always seemed empty, people dont really go outside now a days.
"Have you ever played soccer?" I asked Geoffrey.
"A little. I used to play in school but i was never in an actual team. I just played with friends."
"Hmm... how about ill be golie and after 10 minutes we change and whoever scores the most gets to pick what we do next yeah?"
"Deal!" We set up the court and i put my gloves on, getting ready to block the balls that were coming at me XD.
"Okay babe its your time to shine. Imma start the timer on my phone and ill be counting every goal that goes in" he started getting ready to kick.
"Hmm.... okay ready set GO!" He kicked the first one and it didnt go in. I kicked it back and the next one went over. After a couple shots it had already been 5 minutes.
"Whoops babe you only have 5 more minutes!" He kicked again and i jumped to block it. That one almost went in. On the next one he was getting better so he tricked me and when i moved to the right he kicked the ball to the left and it went in. Uggh 2 minutes left.

On the last kick he made it in too. That one just went right through my feet. That must be embarassing.

I walked to where he was at and he had a smirk on his face.
"Haha i made 2 goals. You think you can do better than that?"

"Yes i can! I can make more than that" i took off the gloves and i threw them at him.
"- just watch!" He went to the golie box and i made the first kick, i kicked it a bit too soft and he caught it. When he threw it back, i kicked it instantly and it went over. The next time i kicked it, i made it in. Haha with 6 minutes left. I kicked it again and that one also went in.
"Oh look at that 2 goals and 4 minutes to spare. Get ready.... this is gonna be a hard kick! 1....2....3!" I kicked the ball so hard...and then i heard a scream.
"Ouch!" It was Geoffrey i had accidentally hit him. He was curled in a ball. I could tell he was actually hurt.
"Im sooo sorry. Where did i hurt you?"
"Um... lets just say, a place where guys should never get hit" he barely managed to get that out.
"Sorry, i really didnt mean to. How can i help you get up?"
"Let me just stay here for a little bit. And wow that was a hard kick" he was still on the ground curled in a ball.
"Here. Ill sit next to you." I sat down and after a couple minutes he said he was feeling better.

We got up and started going back to our rooms.
"Sam do you kick all your boyfriends down there...?"
"Of course not. Haha...Youre the first"
"Oh then i guess i should be proud. You know, i took it easy on you because i didnt want you to get hurt. Thats why i only made 2 goals"
"Awwe thats so sweet. But its a lie! I knew you were actually trying. I can tell when someone is taking it easy on me or not"
"Well we ended up with a tie, so what are we gonna do now?"
"Um actually, i have something really important to tell you. I didnt really just wanna play soccer, i just wanted to get your mind out of things for a while. How about... ill meet you in your room in a couple hours and ill tell you everything okay?" I was talking serious. Since last month when i got the letter, i knew i was gonna have to tell him somehow. At the time it wasnt very important but now that the tour is almost over i really have to tell him.
"Look, i dont know what any of this is about. Pero me estas asustando. Is everything okay?" He held my hands he seemed worried. But in reality there wasnt any reason to be worried.
"Yeah everything is fine. Its actually something exciting that i have to tell you." I fake smiled. It really was something exciting, but at the same time it was a bit sad.
"Okay then. See you in a couple hours" he didnt smile back. I think he noticed my smile was fake too.
Can anyone guess what's happening?!  :)
P.S. thanks to everyone that votes. Ill update as soon as i can (:

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