Chapter 7 : The Fall

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*1 Month Later*

We've had a couple more concerts and its the same routine, i think im getting used to this. Day by day i think im falling more for Royce. He's just so adorable, but i can tell Valerie likes him too.

I miss the dance studio a lot though and i also miss Alex, weve talked but i havent seen him in so long....

"Heeeyyy :) so.... the choreographer said he wants us to practice the choreographies, we might change them a bit for the next concert" said Royce walking towards us. Valerie,Brenda, and Sophie were right next to me instantly.

"Ok :)" we started our normal group routine, Sophie and Brenda on the right while Valerie and me were on the left. Royce stood in front of us just to see.

"Ok girls, can you guys show me your first choreography?"

"Of course :)" we started dancing our first choreography when all of a sudden Valerie kicked me and i fell to the ground.

"Oh My Gosh ouch!" The music stopped, and i couldnt move, my ankle was hurting me.

"Are you ok? Im sorry" said Valerie innocently.

"Its ok, but my hurts" i held my ankle and tried to stand up but i just couldnt.

I instantly saw Royce come up to me and kneel down.

"Ill help you get up. Are you sure youre ok?" He smiled so innocently...

"Yeah im sure :) i-i just need some rest and thats it" i tried getting up, one last time and i instantly fell back down.

"You know, i think ill just stay down here..."

"Haha really funny missy, im helping you get up. I already said so" he helped me get up and then he carried me to the closest chair there was.

"You want water or something?"

"No, im fine. I just wanna go back to the hotel. Me sentire mejor asi"

"Segura?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. Im su-"

"If you say so!" He carried me and he ran towards the hotel.

"Omg Royce Stop!! What if you drop me? And-and i die?!"

"I wont drop you and you wont die" we got to my hotel room and he helped me get into bed.

"Thanks for helping me. I think ill feel better by tomorrow, for the next concert"

"You know, i saw how you fell. I didnt want to say it in front of everyone but i saw."

"Oh, well Valerie accidentally kicked me so i fell-"

"No she didnt, it wasnt an accident. She did it on purpose"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, i saw. She had it planned, i dont think she likes you"

"Well, thats not the first person that doesnt like me. Im used to this, im just not likable" i put my head down remembering all the other people that didnt like me....

"Dont say that. No digas eso! Youre really nice, and friendly and cute and youre very likable. I think people might just be jealous, Valerie is probably jealous of you" i stayed quiet. I didnt know what to say, and i couldnt tell him he was right because jealousy is just not it, why would someone be jealous of someone like me?

"Nobody would be jealous of a person like me. People hate me, and its just because im probably a horrible person"

"No youre not. Please no digas eso..-"

"Look, could you please um.. leave? I just wanna be alone..." i needed some space, and alone time. I need to think about this whole thing, my whole life. How im a horrible person.

"I would leave you alone but im worried about you. Creo que necesitas un amigo, and that can be me... you probably think im crazy because we just met. Pero yo quiero ser tu amigo" he sat down next to me in my bed.

"Bueno, if youre gonna stay here... i guess you can help me with something" i kind of smiled at that. Why would Prince Royce want to be my friend anyways.

"Thats what im talking about. What do you need help on?"

"Um.. can you get me that notepad and pencil thats over there next to my laptop...please? oh and my phone too" he got up and went to get the stuff.

"Anything else?"

"Nope im fine thanks :) Uh do you know how to draw?"

"Hmm...interesting question. I know a little, look i can draw you in like 2 minutes."

"Oh really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Haha 2 minutes yeah right.

"Of course. Mira... can i borrow a piece of paper and a pencil?" I handed him my drawing supplies. Lots of people dont know but i love to draw and im kind of good at it too.

"Ok then now you should pose for the drawing. Just pose in a way that youre gonna want me to draw you-"

"I dont think i can really pose right now because i cant move, but ill just smile"

"Oh yeah, uh sorry...i forgot. Well keep almost done"

"Hurry! I cant hold my smile for long"

"Haha ok im done. Youre gonna be so impressed-"

"Just show me!"

"Wait, you should be really happy that i drew you. Ive never drawn any other person"

"Ok im happy :) now show me!"

"Whats the magic word?"


"Nope. But ok ill show you" he showed me the paper and it was really good :) for a kindergardener!

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah dude, i love it. Its very...uh whats the word? Its a stick figure!"

"Uh duh! I cant draw you, youre too unique to be drawn on paper. Its just not possible"

"Oh now im too unique, so you draw me as a stick figure?.. pssh on the other hand i think i can actually draw you"

"So right in front of me i have myself an artist/dancer? Hmm how interesting" he sat back down with his hand under his chin making a thinking face.

"Yup. Awesome huh? dejarias dibujarte? Maybe im not that good but id love to try"

"Of course. Id love to have a drawing of myself. Im self obsessed, nah jk but just tell me im not handsome"

"Youre not handsome"

"I can tell youre lying"

"You never know"

"I can tell by your eyes. You think im cute huh? Or tell me otherwise"

"Well youre not ugly thats for sure but..."

"I knew it!"

"I didnt say i like you or somethin-"

"Hmm.... how about you judge me after this" he leaned over and kissed me....again! This time he actually meant it, i wanted to kiss back, but i didnt think it was right. I just couldnt, he's famous and successful and im not...

I pushed him away. "Uh okay. I feel better now so you can leave. Um bye!"

"Wait but i need you to judge me after the-"

"Im really tired. Talk to you later yeah?" I fake yawned.


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