Chapter 25 : Why!?

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Valerie's P.O.V:

Sam is so going to pay for trying to push me around. And i already know how...

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

My first day back at home was great. Except i wasnt expecting waking up so many times in the middle of the night. Baby Geoffrey cried at least 3 or 4 times last night. Sam and i woke up to see what was wrong, apparently he was just hungry. How is he hungry at 3:00 am!? Guess i have a new morning routine.

I woke up at 9:00 am and everyone was still asleep. Well, by everyone i mean Sam and baby Geoffrey. They didnt seem like they were going to wake up soon.

I walked downstairs to the living room and i started watching T.V. I heard them mention my name and i turned up the volume.
Former latin sensation Prince Royce was released yesterday, early morning after his crutial car accident 1 1/2 months ago. He seems to be in very good conditions. As for his family, we havent been able to get images of his newborn child. Is it that he doesnt want us to meet him?

I turned the T.V. off. Of course i want to show off my baby. We should probably go out somewhere with him and post some pictures on twitter or instagram so my fans can meet him. That would be great.
"Babe youre awake already? Isnt it too early?" Sam started walking towards me.
"No its almost gonna be 10"
"Oh. Its not too early then. So how'd you sleep?"
"Good. Kind of. I just wasnt expecting waking up so much at night"
"Its normal, baby Geoffrey is a baby and babies cry...a lot"
"I know. I know. So how would you like going out to the park today or something? To take baby Geoffrey out for a while"
"Um.. sure. Do you think paparazzis are gonna be following us around?"
"Yeah probably"
"Ugh. Okay let me just go change him and get his things packed"

Sam's P.O.V:

I went into our bedroom, where baby Geoffrey is staying for now, and i started packing some bottles and diapers.

After i finished i went back downstairs.
"Alright. We're ready"
"Okay. Lets go. Ill take baby Geoffrey" Geoffrey grabbed baby Geoffrey and he took him to the car while i followed behind.

We finally got there and it seemed so peaceful. There werent many kids or families around.
"Hey, um.. this is kind of weird..."
"Whats weird?"
"That you see all these little kids running around, and in a couple of years our baby is gonna be running around like that too"
"Awwe babe i hadnt thought of that. But thats cute"
"I know. But i just cant imagine him older yet"

We sat under a tree and we put baby Geoffrey down in a blanket so he could stretch a little. Geoffrey started taking pictures of him, it was really cute. He got one of him smiling.

A couple minutes later, the ice cream man was passing by and i really wanted an ice cream, so i went to get one.
"Hi, can i have that lemon one?"
"Here you go anything else?"
"Um..babe do you want anything!?" I screamed, since he was a couple feet away.
"Yeah! Just get me the same thing you got"
"Alright. Can i have another one?"
"Sure. Here you go. The total would be..$2.50" i took my wallet out and i only had a twenty dollar bill, and i took it out.

"Oh. Do you have any change?" asked the ice cream man.
"Ill check. Babe! Do you have change?"
"How much?"
"Yeah!" He walked over to us and he paid the ice cream man. We started walking back.
"Thanks. Here's your ice cream"
"Oh thanks. Ill share with baby Geoffrey since you didnt buy him on-...."
"Whats wrong? Whyd you stop talking?"
"I-i where's baby Geoffrey?? He's not here! I think someone took him!"
"No!!! Oh my goodness. Geoffrey we have to find him! Call the cops! Hurry!" He started calling them and i started running around asking people. But there wasnt a lot nearby.
"-....yes. yes. Alright. Thank you"
"What did they say!?!"
"That theyre coming over here right now"
"Ugh! How could this have happened!? We were like right here and we didnt hear anything!"
"Did you ask those people over there?"
"No. I just asked the people on this side"
"Alright. Let me ask over here then"
Geoffrey's P.O.V:

"Excuse me, have you guys seen anyone carrying a baby boy? Like suspiciously? They-they just took our baby and we're really worried and-..."
"Did he have a brown and blue blanket?"
"Yes! Did you guys see him?"
"Well we saw a suspicious girl, she was actually running with a baby in her hands. The baby had a blue and brown blanket"
"Oh my gosh. And how was she? How did she look?"
"She was tall and skinny and she had blonde hair. Thats pretty much all i could see"
"Did you see what way she went?"
"Yeah she went that way" i started running in the direction he told me. Maybe i could catch up to the person.
Sam's P.O.V:

The cops got here and i told them everything that happened.
"Okay we'll take this to our office and send more officers to start searching. We will find your baby dont worry"
"Please, please find him. I cant live without my baby boy!"

Geoffrey came back running, he seemed really tired.
"I couldnt see anyone.... the people over there said they saw a person taking a baby that had the same characteristics as baby Geoffrey. They said the girl had blonde hair and that she was tall and skinny"
"We'll go talk to them then. To report that too" the cops left to talk with those people and i just started thinking, why would someone steal my baby boy? And was it someone that we might know...
"Whats wrong?"
"What if it was Valerie! She fits the characteristics and oh! If she has him... she can do anything she wants with him! What if she hurts him! Geoffrey i would kill her if she does anything to him!!"  He embraced me in a hug and i started crying.
"We dont know if she has him yet. What if she doesnt? We'll find him... and he's gonna be perfectly fine"
"I hope"
I start school on monday so im not gonna be updating as often as i did this week :( But ill try :)
Also, i was thinking of maybe writing a book of one shots? One shots are just like little stories or (mini fanfics) theyre 1 chapter long, but with your name on them. So you guys can just comment your name, a scenario you guys want and with who... its probably going to be Prince Royce huh? Haha well yeah.. if you guys would actually read it or want one... just tell me and ill try my best to try and write some.
Alright, now...

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