Chapter 15 : London :)

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_Day 3_

Today i had something a bit different planned out. My sister kind of made me babysit her son, so he's my responsibility for the rest of the day. He's a 3 year old troublemaker. But that doesnt mean i cant still take Sam out right? Maybe a day at the park would be great.
"Hey babe wanna go to the park today? Theres someone i want you to meet" i texted her that real quick. I changed Jayden (my nephew) and he was really happy that we were going to the park.
"You wanna go to the park buddy? Quieres ir al parque?"
"Yes! Si quiero ir! Va venir mi mami?"
"No, she's busy. Esta trabajando, pero va venir alguien que quiero que conozcas :)" i started tying his shoes.
"Ooo. Who is it?"
"Well, she's my girlfriend. Im sure youll like her because she's really nice"
"Oh okay. I hope she's nice because if she isnt then i wont like her" i laughed a little. Then i got a text from Sam.
"Great idea :) And um... my brother and his family came to New York for his job. Do you think its okay if i bring my nephew along with us?"
"Yeah thats okay :) how old is he?"
"Haha thanks. And he just turned 3 last month"
"Oh okay. Well meet you at the park in 5 minutes then" I put my phone away and i turned to Jayden.
"Hey buddy i guess youre gonna have a playmate. Sam is bringing her nephew with her and he's also 3"
"Cool. We can play cars! Does he like cars? Whats his name?"
"Actually i dont know his name but you can ask him. And yeah im sure he likes cars"

I put him in his car seat and we drove to the park. I brought everything i was gonna need for him. His bottles, and even some toys, along with all his collection of cars.
"Okay so be nice Jayden. I want you to be very polite okay?"
"Okay uncle Geoffrey"
"You promise?"
"I promise"
"Oh look Sam is here!" I spotted Sam, and she was walking our way holding her little nephew's hand. She was telling him something.
"Hey babe" i said ready to hug her.
"Hey :)" she hugged me back while still holding her nephew's hand.
"- so who's this little cute boy? He looks like you"
"Thats Jayden my nephew. Say hi, Jayden"
"Youre so cute Jayden. You look like your uncle Geoffrey"
"Thank you"

"So now that you guys know each other are you gonna introduce me to your nephew?"
"Oh yeah sorry. This is my nephew, Cody. And Cody, thats my boyfriend Geoffrey. The one you said you saw on t.v." he smiled at me and he shaked my hand.
"Hi Geoffrey"
"Hi Cody. Youre a very handsome little boy"

For the rest of the day we played with the kids, and we got really tired of chasing them around and playing hide-n-seek. We were happy they got along though. And i found out that Jayden really liked Sam. And Cody also really liked me, except he didnt really like when i kissed his aunt. He always found a way to interrupt us.

_Day 4_

Its already day 4 but i have no ideas for what we can do today... my phone started ringing.
"Hey babe. Did you have anything planned today?"
"Umm... actually-"
"I knew it! Okay look i have an idea. I bought tickets to go see One Direction! Aaaah crazy huh?"
"One Direction? You wanna go see One Direction? Why?"
"I love them! Theyre awesome and maybe this is the last opportunity i have to meet them"
"Fine. I guess we can go"
"Thank you! Youre the best. See you in a couple hours then"

I got in the shower and started getting ready, by that time it had already been 2 1/2 hours. The concert was at 8 and it was already 6. Sam came over a couple minutes after and i drove to the arena. It was the same one we had our concert a couple days ago.
"Are you really happy to meet One Direction?" I asked holding her hands while we walked to our seats.
"Yeah! I love them so much. Its just that, i wanted to get V.I.P. tickets but they ran out"
"They did? Damn lots of people really do like those guys"
"Yes, but its fine. At least i get to say i went to one of their concerts. And our seats are really close to the stage which is awesome" we sat down and the seats were close to the stage. Sam was looking down, she seemed kind of sad.

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