Chapter 30 : Hawaii! :)

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A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading this book... so really quick, after this story I will be writing another different one, the 1st chapter is up sooo go check it out! :) its called I Fell In Love With The Perv... Vote and Comment your opinion or any ideas! Alright now enjoy my new chapter! :)

Sam's P.O.V:
"Youre so out of this world youre hiding your halo-" i got up and turned my alarm off (Yes, 'My Angel' was now my alarm ringtone) Geoffrey was still really deep into his sleep, he was even sleep talking.
"Geoffrey wake up" i tried whispering and moving him a little but it was impossible.
I moved him harder...
" tired-"
"Geoffrey its already 5am we should start getting ready"
"Ill just go like this. Wake me up in 20 more minutes" he said half asleep.
"But Geoffrey youre in boxers! Get up, please?"
"Y-you just want to see me in my boxers huh?"
"Ill go change in the bathroom while you get up" I went to the bathroom and changed, then i started to curl my hair. I couldnt hear Geoffrey doing anything.
"Oh my gosh. Geoffrey! Its 5:30!" I walked out of the bathroom because i didnt hear any response.
"Geoffrey where are you?" I started walking around and he was nowhere to be seen.
"Geoffrey! Im not joking around, where are you? Its getting late" the front door opened, it was probably Geoffrey.
"Thank god youre back Geoffrey. Start getting ready, and ill finish with my hair really quick"
Suddenly all the lights at the house turned off. It was completely dark, since it was really early. It was probably another one of Geoffrey's jokes.
"Geoffrey! Thats not funny. Turn the lights back on!" He didnt turn them back on, he didnt even speak.
"G-geoffrey are you there?" I managed to get into the kitchen, but everything was pitch black.
"Wh-who's there?" I heard something move suddenly.
"Who is it!? What are you doing in my house!? And what did you do to Geoffrey?!" I grabbed the kitchen phone and i started to dial 9-1-...
"Put the phone down!" I heard someone yell, the voice wasnt familiar, but i knew it wasnt Geoffrey. I put the phone down, terrified as ever.
"W-what do you want?"
"I want you!"
"M-me why? Who are you!?" I tried to say as confident as i could.
"Haha you think im actually gonna tell you? Youre hilarious!" Before i could even speak, the man threw me over his shoulder and started to walk out the door. I kept fighting and screaming at him. But it was useless.
"Let go of me! Whats wrong with you!?"
"Let go of her!" I heard someone yell. It sounded Alex.
He punched the man in the face and he let go of me. I ran inside to call the police.
"9-1-1 how may i help you?"
"A-a man broke into my house and tried to kidnap me...-"
"Are you okay? Do you need an ambulance"
"Im okay-"
"We're on our way"
I ran outside and the man was unconscious. Alex stood there with surprised eyes.
"Alex! Im so glad you got here!" He hugged me and without noticing i started crying.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
"No im fine. But.. Geoffrey. I dont know where he's at"
"Why dont we try calling him...-" the police arrived and Alex explained everything to them. I grabbed my cell phone and i dialed Geoffrey's number, i hope he's okay.
"G-Geoffrey? Are you okay? Where are you?" I started crying again.
"Im at the store, whats up babe? Are you crying?"
"Im glad youre okay, just come home. Please? I need you"
"Im on my way.. whats wrong?-" i hung up, because the police wanted my testimony. I told them everything that happened and they arrested the man.
"I dont even know who he is! I dont know why he was here either"
"We'll take him to our office and we have to ask him questions, but dont worry he wont be getting out of jail anytime soon-" Geoffrey's car pulled up the driveway, he ran to where we were at.
"What happened?! Why is the police here?"
"Someone broke in and they were taking me somewhere but... but Alex saved me"
"Oh babe. Im so glad youre okay, it was all my fault!"
"What? No, why would it be your fault?"
"I shouldnt have left you here. If i was here i couldve protected you"
"Where were you anyway? I though they had done something to you! I was so scared"
"I went to buy you something before we left on the trip... i-im sorry babe"
"No its fine. So.. what are we doing now?"
"Well, there's 5 minutes till our flight leaves... Do you still want to go? If you dont we can just stay here"
"I dont know. Whatever you want to do-"
"Hmm... i bet we can still catch the flight, c'mon lets go?"
We told the police everything they needed to know and we raced to the car quickly. We managed to get to the airport just in time (Our house was close to the airport anyways)
"Im glad we made it to the flight" i told Geoffrey as we found our seats on the airplane.
"Even if we wouldnt have made it, we couldve just bought other tickets babe. But yeah... it was fun racing over here"
"Soo.. do you think Valerie had anything to do with the man that broke into the house?"
"I really dont know. We can expect anything from her"
"Geoffrey, i really thought the guy was going to hurt me... i felt so helpless"
"Im not going to leave you alone at all anymore, you shouldnt have to worry about anything like that. Look if you want ill even go to the bathroom with you, haha and ill go shopping with you too" I playfully hit him. He was just so crazy.
*3 Hours Later*
"Babe wake up" Geoffrey called me. I opened my eyes to see people getting off the plane. I guess we were in Hawaii already.
"Did i really sleep through the whole flight?"
"Yeah you did" We walked out and there was a black limo waiting for us outside.
"A limo? Geoffrey Really?"
"That wasnt me. It was Shanelli" We got on and i could see the driver kept looking through the mirror, like if he knew us or something.
After about 5 minutes the driver finally spoke.
"Youre Prince Royce right?" He asked in his hawaiian accent.
"Yeah thats me" Said Geoffrey.
"Oh youre my daughter's idol. She really loves your music, she doesnt even know spanish but she listens to all your spanish music"
"Oh thats really cool. Tell her i said hi then"
"Can i get an autograph for her?"
"Um.. yeah sure. Do you have a paper or something?"
"Yeah here" Geoffrey quickly signed it and we got off at our hotel.
"Thank you!"
"Youre welcome"
"Well this is a fancy hotel too. Shanelli must have spent alot of your money"
"I told her to pick the best for you"
"Awwe. Thanks babe (: what time is it?"
"Its already 11am"
"Its still early. I wanted to sleep, im so tired" We checked into our hotel, and it was beautiful. There was roses everywhere and there was a welcome present for us on the counter.
"Thats so sweet" said Geoffrey behind me.
"I know right. Its really nice that they gave us a present-"
"No, well that too. But those strawberries are so sweet"
"Wow Geoffrey"
While Geoffrey kept eating strawberries, i climbed into bed and went to sleep. I was seriously exhausted.

Geoffrey's P.O.V:
I had never tasted some strawberries this sweet! The hotel people gave us 2 whole boxes and i was more than halfway done with the 2nd one.
"Babe you have to taste these strawberries-" i turned around to see Sam already asleep on the bed. I climbed on the bed because i was really exhausted too.
*2 Hours Later*
"Geoffrey, i think someone's knocking" i got up and went to answer the door. As soon as i opened it whoever was there left.
"They probably got the wrong room" we ignored it and started watching movies. We started watching 'Fast & Furious 7'.
"That was a good movie. And your song was on it (: which made it better"
"I know huh? Alright any movie requests?"
"Nemo? Why Nemo?"
"Because i like that movie" I clicked on 'Nemo' and i remembered that the first and only time we saw Nemo was when Sam was pregnant of Lil' Geoffrey.
What if... nah, she wouldve told me already. She ended up crying at the end of the movie again, just like last time we saw it.
"Geoffrey why does nemo have to lose his mom? Why couldnt he live happy?" Oh my..god. This conversation again.
"I-i dont know. I wish i knew babe"
"Hey im tired. I dont want to watch movies anymore"
"You want to go out for lunch?"
"Yeah. Or how about we just order a pizza?"

Sam's P.O.V:
I walked back and forth around our huge hotel room. Now i had 2 important things to tell Geoffrey.
"Hey babe they said the pizzas would be here in 10 minutes-... Whats wrong?"
"I have something to tell you"
"Alright tell me then"
"Okay well i hope you dont hate me for not telling you this. I actually dont know why i never told you, but Alex and i... we used to date-"
"What? How long ago?"
"Right before i met you"
"Is that why he hated me before?"
"I dont know, but it was never serious because i didnt like him back"
"Then why did you date him?"
"He's always been my friend, but one day he told me he wanted to be more than that. At first i told him no but after a while i thought it would be okay to give it a try. We ended up breaking up"
"Does he still like you? Or do you like him at all?"
"Of course not. We're just friends. By the way, i love you and nobody else"
"Thats okay babe i believe you"
"Alright now i have one more thing to tell you-" There was a knock on the door. Geoffrey got up to get it.
"-Okay thank you" Geoffrey closed the door.
"The pizza's here. So what did you want to tell me?"
"Ill tell you later"
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