Chapter 34 : Last Chapter! :,(

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Geoffrey's P.O.V:
The police came, and i thought everything would calm down. But it was the whole opposite.
I was hugging Sam by the other side of the living room wall. The cops came inside the house and thats when we heard a gunshot. We werent sure if it was the cops who fired or...Valerie.
"Geoffrey! What was that!? Im so scared"
"Stay here. Ill go check okay?"
"No!-" Sam pulled me back.
"-Just... stay here with me yeah?"
The cops walked over to us and they asked if we were okay.
"Yeah we're fine. But.. we heard a gunshot, what was it?"
"Indeed it was a gunshot. It seemed to be that the man and the woman outside were fighting over the gun and one of them fired it. The victim was just transfered to the hospital"
"Was it Alex?! Or Valerie?!"
"It was the young man. He got shot in the chest. And he was unconscious. Thats all we can say. The woman will be taken into custody at this moment" The police officer walked away. Sam started panicking a lot.
"Oh my god! Alex has to be okay! He has to!"
"He will. He's strong and he will get through this!"
*Next Day*
We hadnt received any news about Alex. We called the hospital and they said he was getting surgery to try and remove the gunshot. We arrived at the hospital later on and they didnt want to give us information, so we just left home.
Shanelli and Sam started talking again and she told us that Alex had lied to us about being gay. He just didnt want us to have anymore problems.
"Geoffrey can you please call the hospital again? To see how Alex is doing?"
I called and the receptionist answered.
"Yes hi. I wanted to see how Alexander Gomez was doing? If he got out of surgery already?"
"Ill check the system right now"
"Thank you"
"Um.. we dont have anyone under that name in the hospital. Are you sure he's here?"
"Yeah. We just called about 4 hours ago"
"He doesnt appear on the system. Ill go ask the doctor... hold on"
"Alright..." The receptionist started playing music and i walked over to Sam, putting the phone on speaker.
"What happened?"
"They said they cant find his name on the system"
"Thats weird-"
The receptionist got back on the line.
"We are really sorry, but Alexander Gomez just passed away. I really cant give you anymore information on the phone sorry"
"What!? This has to be wrong... Right Geoffrey!? Right!? They just made a mistake right?? Geoffrey! Please say im right" Sam started crying uncontrollably.
"I dont know babe. Why dont we go to the hospital and investigate more"
"I-i really cant..."
"Um.. ill go and Shanelli can stay with you okay?" Sam just nodded.
"Alright Shanelli. Just stay here and please take care of Sam yeah?"
"Okay. Dont worry"
As soon as i arrived at the hospital, they confirmed the news. Alex had passed away due to all the blood loss during the surgery. __________________________
*7 Months Later*
"Geoffrey!" Yelled Sam.
"Whats wrong?"
"I-i think my water broke... Can you take me to the hospital?"
"Oh... uh... oh my god. Okay let me help you get in the car" I had no idea why but i was really nervous about this.
"Why so nervous babe?"
"I have no clue..."
A couple hours later, our baby was born. It was a boy.
I called everyone, Shanelli, my parents, Sam's parents and our close friends.
"So what are you guys going to name him? You guys already have a Geoffrey" Said Shanelli.
"Well...You want to tell them babe?" I asked Sam.
"Sure. His name is going to be.... Alexander Royce"
"That sounds really nice" Said Shanelli.
"Yeah. We picked the name in memory of Alex. We're gonna call him Alex for short"
"Im sure Alex would really appreciate that"
Thats the End! :)
I wasnt sure on how to end it so i just stopped there....sorry if it wasnt very good :/
Thank you! Everyone that voted and commented it was awesome getting comments from you guys! :)
I guess this is the end....
(Unless you guys go read "Im In Love With The Perv" ;))

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