Chapter 11 : Umm...Sorry

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Royce's P.O.V:

"OMG Geoffrey!" She covered her eyes.

"What? Oh umm...." i looked down and i hit myself in the forehead.
"-Im sooo sorry. I didnt know this would happen...but umm.. yeah. Im sorry you had to see that-"
"Just forget about it. But please put that towel back on... i dont want anyone to walk in right now and see you like that" i put my towel, which was already on the floor, back on. I have no idea how it couldve fallen off, i thought it was tight.
"Why? Oh i know... you dont want anyone to see me like this because you want me all to yourself huh? ;)"
"Um... ill go get your clothes" she ran to the door still with her hands covering her eyes.
"Thanks :) and sorry that im a bit crazy, its just how i am and people have to deal with it"
*10 Minutes Later*

I heard the door open and i knew it had to be Sam. I walked over to the front door still wrapped in my towel and....
"Thank goodness you brought my clothes :) and quick question... did you like what you saw? ;)" i looked up and the person standing by the door was not Sam... it was Brenda. I got really red.
"-Whoops. Im sorry, i thought you were Sam. Um..."
"Wait but what!? Oh my gosh! Sam needs to tell me about this. How come she never told me you guys are like together?! Uggh" she left instantly.
Oh gosh. What am i gonna do now? I heard the door open again.
"Brenda, please dont tell anyone-" i turned around and it was Sam for real this time.
"Um. Here's your clothes. And what dont you want Brenda to tell anyone?"
"Nothing important. Im gonna go change now" i grabbed the clothes and went to change in the bathroom.

Sam's P.O.V:

*2 Days Later*

It was finally time for us to practice for one of our last concerts. I was also finally healed from my ankle. I walked into the dance studio and everyone was already there. I left my duffle bag on one of the benches and i started putting my hair up when Brenda came up to me and pulled me away from everyone else.
"Well, well. That was very polite"
"Yeah, yeah. Okay how come you didnt tell me about you and Royce? Huh? I thought we were friends"
"What was i supposed to tell you? That we're friends now?"
"Just friends?"
"Yes. Just friends. Que pensabas?"
"Idk. bf and gf. Its what it seems like"
"Well we're not. But we're really good friends, like he's a bit crazy but he's just so cool and nice-"
"You guys are more like friends with benefits. If ya know what i mean? ;)"
"Umm... why would you say that?"
"Lets just say i went to your hotel room a couple days ago and Royce was standing there in nothing else but a towel. Que pensarian tus parents? Uggh you crazy child"
"Thats just because...uggh its a long story-"
"Oh and he thought i was you at first so he asked me 'Did you like what you saw?' And he even winked ;) just saying"
"That means nothing. Royce is weird like that. He says the most random stuff"
"Quick question. What did you see? ;) huh?" we started walking back and i just stopped answering back at Brenda. There was no use, she just wouldnt believe me.

We started our practice and as always Valerie just rolled her eyes when she turned to look at me. I simply ignored her. The choreographer said we have a concert next week, so we were gonna practice really hard all this week. He was really funny, although he was already in his mid 40s probably.
"Okay everyone....sooo tomorrow im not gonna be here because im actually going on a trip with my wife. Ill probably be gone all this week but my son will be here. Im going to give him a list with all our routines and ill put....Sam in charge"
"How old is your son? Is he old or young?" Asked Brenda.
"He's probably your age"
"Is he tall?"
"Yes actually he is. And he plays football for his college"
"Awesome. I hope he's cute" whispered Brenda to me.
"What did you say?" Asked the choreographer.
"Oh nothing"

Brenda and i walked out of the dance studio and we started talking on our way to the hotel.
"So i didnt know he had a son our age. Imagine if he's cute...hmm but probably not"
"Imagine he's like the cutest guy youve ever seen" i added.
"I dont think so. Anyways i already have a boyfriend, but dont worry ill hook you up with the choreographer's son ;)"
"Oh i dont need a boyfriend. BTW what if youre right and he's like totally ugly. Uggh"
"Hmm... well taking a look at this guy he probably isnt cute" said Brenda pointing at the choreographer well that was a bit mean.
"Dont be mean! If he's not cute, well even better because we're not here to be checking out our teachers"
"Oh true that."
Sorry this chapter is short :( but i felt like i really needed to update.... im really busy with all my school and sports stuff but ill try to update as soon as i can :)

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