Chapter 1: Getting To Know Them

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Samantha's P.O.V:

My name is Samantha, im 18 years old and im currently going to college.My best friend, Alex, recently moved to the same college. Alex and I have been friends since preschool. Alex is studying to become a doctor and im studying to become a dancer.Ever since I was 3 i started showing signs of wanting to dance.When I turned 7 i did ballet and now i wanna become a professional dancer. My biggest dream would be to dance for a famous artist. Ive seen many performances where background dancers are really pretty and theyre really good at dancing, they never mess up.

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

"Mom, Dad tengo algo muy importante que decirles"

"What is it Geoffrey? Que pasa?"

"Bueno, ustedes saben que tengo una pasion muy grande por la musica, me gusta cantar. Estoy guardando dinero para grabar mi propio CD y darselos a personas, para que me conozcan. A lo mejor alguien me descubre, Solo quisiera saber que tengo su apoyo. Its really important for me" I said with a hopeful smile.

"Mira Geoffrey, not to put your hopes down, but that's just gonna be a waste of money. Recording a CD is a lot of money and i doubt someone is going to discover you here." said my dad. He truly didnt believe in me or anything i ever did. In high school i tried out for the talent show and my dad said i would just be an embarassment, but i actually won 1st place and i got $200. Ever since, i gained confidence and now im trying to record my own CD. Im hoping a major record label can discover me, and i can dedicate myself to singing. I want singing to be my career but for now im going to college to become a high school teacher :\.
*1 year later*

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

It took lots of effort and money to do this, but finally i was able to record my CD.Its called 'Prince Royce'. People ask me why i picked 'Prince' and its because my last name 'Royce' comes from the meaning son of the king.I also want my artistic name to be unique so people can recognize me. This album has many of the songs i wrote a long time ago.For example: 'Corazon Sin Cara', and even Ben E.King's 'Stand By Me' but in bachata version.Ive always been a fan of oldies, but i also like artists like Usher.I would like to do a duet with him someday.

I went to a commercial street where lots of people go shopping or just to have a good time.I wore my beanie since New York is very cold right now.I made about 100 CDs, to pass out.

"Excuse me, my name is Geoffrey Royce and im trying to get discovered.I love to sing and i would be really greatful if you listened to my CD and give me feedback on it.My email is on the back.Thanks." I kept saying that to about 50 more people.None of them really said much, they just nodded and took the CD.What if my dad is right? What if nobody even cares about my music? It took me a year to get these CDs recorded.I just decided to walk away.I was walking with my head down,kicking around a rock that i saw.'Well Geoffrey, all that waits for you is probably to be a high school teacher' i thought.I kept saying that in my head.

'Geoffrey youre never gonna become famous!' i screamed to myself and then i bumped into something or...someone. I looked up and it was a man in a fancy suit and tie.

"Im so sorry.I wasnt looking where i was going" I said and kept walking away.Well that was an awkward man he didnt even respond, at lease an 'Its ok'.

"Excuse me, young man. Joven..." were they talking to me? I turned around and the fancy man motioned for me to go back.He had one of my CDs in his hand.While i was walking back the man was just looking at my CD, he looked at the front and the back.

"Did you need me?" I asked already in front of the mysterious man.I was kind of nervous of what he would say.

"Hola my name is Sergio George and I noticed you recorded your own CD? You like to sing?"

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