Chapter 28 : The Wedding...Finally

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Sam's P.O.V:
So today is finally the day... the day i get married with the love of my life, we've been through so much together but we've still managed to solve everything as a team. Its been the best years of my life.
"Sam are you ready for today?" Asked Shanelli. We were at mine and Geoffrey's house getting ready, while Geoffrey and lil' Geoffrey were at Geoffrey's mom's house. So much Geoffrey...
"Yeah im ready..i think."
"You think? Is something wrong?"
"No, im just nervous you know?"
"Yeah that's completely normal. At least you're finally gonna get to form a beautiful family with my brother. Then there's me... im probably gonna stay single forever and ever.... and ever"
"No youre not! Shanelli, youre beautiful and funny and nice and youre just an amazing person in and out"
"Youre just saying that to be nice. But its okay, im still really happy for you guys. I love you guys so much"
"Awwe Shanelli, we love you too! And you know how youre our maid of honor?"
"Yeah, about that... who's my partner? Geoffrey told me you were gonna pick someone?" We sat down and started talking a bit more. There was still 3 hours until the ceremony.
"Yeah. I was gonna get my brother, but he's in the marines and they have him in afghanistan right now so he cant come. But... i called my best friend, his name is Alex. He's coming"
"You had never told me about him"
"Well, he kind of didnt like Geoffrey at first because of everything that happened and we stopped talking for a long time. But now we're friends again and he's really happy for me"
"Awwe that's really sweet. How old is he?"
"Well he's 2 years older than me"
"Oh thats cool"
"Yeah. Im gonna introduce him to you okay?"
*3 Hours Later*
As i was walking down the aisle i could see Geoffrey turn around and stare at me, tears started running down his face as well as mine. When i finally got there, we stared at each other for a while and he was about to kiss me..
"Hm.. how about you guys wait until the end of the ceremony?" Everyone started laughing.
"Right. Um.. Sorry" said Geoffrey. His face was red, and i mean really red. As red as a tomato you can say.
The ceremony started and it was really cute everyone was listening even lil' Geoffrey. He just stood there. After about 30 minutes the priest finally said...
"If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace" we looked around, and of course nobody said anything. We turned back to the priest and that's when a guy's voice said
"I object!" Geoffrey and i turned around and we had no idea who that was.
"That is my girlfriend and she's expecting my child!"
"Um excuse me?" Said Geoffrey.
"Yes her! Thats my girlfriend!" He pointed at me, so i turned around to look at him. I had never seen him in my life.
"I think youve got the wrong person man" said Geoffrey. Everyone just kept staring at each other in confusion.
"Uh..oh... Im so very sorry. I did get the wrong person. I thought she was ... and you were.... - ugh sorry"
"No, its okay man. You scared me for a while there"
"Yeah. Sorry. Well, congrats!" He left running. Poor guy. Anyways, the priest ended the ceremony.
"And without further or due, you may now kiss the bride... Finally" everyone started laughing at the way the priest said 'Finally'. We kissed and walked down the aisle together. Finally.
Everyone started congratulating us.

Geoffrey's P.O.V:
Finally after so many years Sam and i got married. It was great, except for the man that almost stopped our wedding, but yeah. I was starting to get nervous when he started saying this whole story about the bride supposably being his girlfriend and expecting his baby. I was getting scared. But of course Sam would never do something like that.
We had a small dinner after the ceremony with close friends and relatives. I had a surprise for Sam as our honeymoon. It was gonna be in...Hawaii! Shanelli picked the hotel and she reserved everything. She's also going to babysit Lil' Geoffrey for us.
Sam's P.O.V:
Alex and i started updating each other on everything thats been happening in our lives. I told him about lil' Geoffrey and how we have a crazy psychopath after us.
"Thats scary Sam. Ill tell Geoffrey to take good care of you guys"
"Dont worry. We havent even seen her in really long anyways maybe she gave up on us"
"I wouldnt be sure about that. People like that dont give up really easily"
"Changing the topic. How have you been? Whats been going on in your life?"
"Nothing much. Just work, work, and work. I tried dating this one girl, she was really nice and pretty, or so she seemed.... she ended up cheating on me with some other guy. I havent tried dating anyone else since"
"Oh Alex, im sorry to hear that. Youll find someone, just watch. They always say you find your true love in the least expected place"
"Ive never heard anyone say that"
"Well... i just did, so it counts"
"Wow Sam. Just wow"
I was walking towards Geoffrey, when Shanelli interrupted me.
"Sam, im glad i found you! Can you please help me with my hair? It kind of got messed up, and im too embarassed to ask anyone else to help...sorry"
"No its okay. Here let me just-..." i started fixing her hair and i put her curls up in a bun. It looked decent, i guess since im not a professional hairstylist.
"Thank you!" She started to walk away and then i remembered something.
"Hey Shanelli! Wait!"
"What's up Sam? You need something?"
"I need to introduce you to my best friend. C'mon follow me"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Youre gonna like him, he's really funny just like you"
"Ok thats good" We started walking towards Alex and she stopped me half ways.
"Whats wrong Shanelli?"
"I dont know. I feel weird, because i dont know him and he seems really judgemental somehow"
"He does? Haha he really isnt though. Just get to meet him first"
"Ugh okay." We kept walking towards Alex and I introduced them to each other.
"Hey Alex, im back. Look i want you to meet Shanelli. She's Geoffrey's favorite, beautiful, funny and awesome sister"
"Im his only sister so yeah..."
"Oh so many compliments Sam. Well hi Shanelli. Im Alex and im Sam's best friend. I guess im also funny and awesome.... oh and we cant forget handsome too" Shanelli started laughing. They started talking, i thought it was really nice, but they completely ignored the fact that i was standing right there. I decided to leave them alone and go with my now husband.
As i started to walk towards him, he looked at me and then got up and ran away from me!
"Geoffrey! Come back!"
"I bet you cant catch me :-P"
"Stop acting like a kid. Come back! Please?"
"Hmm...let me think about it...Uh No!"
"Ugh!" I took my shoes off and ran after him. After a couple minutes of running around we both stopped. He was still a couple feet away from me.
"I give up Geoffrey! Pssh. Ill just go somewhere else then"
"No wait! Ill go with you, if...-"
"If what?"
"If you give me a kiss?"
"C'mon. Ill stop running away"
"Hmm... let me think about it...uh No!"
"Pweetty pwease?"
"Fine Geoffrey! Just because i love you"
"I love you too babe"
I updated!! :)
Please? Thank you!
P.S. Im so happy because i pre-ordered Royce's new english album, and it comes personalized with my name! Haha alright bye ✌

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