Chapter 12 : Darte Un Beso

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Sam's P.O.V:

I havent seen Royce ever since the last time he was in my hotel. Ive heard he's been really busy with his next album coming out and him having to write more songs, i kind of feel bad. I wish i could help somehow...

Sooo.... today we have dance practice at the studio with the choreographer's son. I really hope he knows at least a little about dance or he's gonna get me really stressed.
"Heeey Sam ;)" i walked in the studio and thats the first thing i heard from the girls.
"Hi everyone :) how are you guys doing today?" I asked trying to ignore their little winks at the end.
"We are good. And you? Oh and we cant forget about Royce. How is he?"
"Um.. im fine thanks. And Royce idk why are you asking me?"
"Well you guys are like together you know-"
"Wait, wait wait. Hold it right there. We are not 'together' i dont get why you guys are telling me-"
"But you guys are always together and you guys make a good couple-"
"No, we dont make a good couple. He's famous, successful, cute, nice,.....he deserves a person just as perfect as him-"
"Look nobody is perfect and im pretty sure you guys make a good match. You deserve someone like him and he deserves someone like you" now Brenda was holding me by the shoulders while the rest of the girls were agreeing with her.
"Thats so sweet but i know that isnt-" i felt someone spin me around and it was Royce.
"Hi :) i needed to ask you something super important. Super importantisimo" one of his hands was behind his back and i had no idea why.
"Sure what is it? Just please make it quick we kind of have to start practice..." before i could finish, a guy walked through the door.
"Hello :) im Taylor. And im Mr.Lautner's son. I guess im gonna be here for this week"

I didnt know his name was Mr.Lautner.. and this guy was actually cute. He was tall and i could tell he was strong, he also had a huge smile that made him even cuter.
"Hi :) Im Sam and i guess im supposed to be like your assistant or something" i walked up to him.
"Yeah. My dad told me, but if you wouldnt mind ill just ask you for help whenever i need some. My dad pretty much told me what to do already"
"Yeah thats alright" i walked back and Royce was gone. I thought he needed to ask me something. I walked towards Brenda.
"Hey so why did Royce leave? I thought he was gonna ask me something importan-"
"He left because he was busy, but he said he would be back after practice or so"
"Oh okay. I guess it really is important"
"Oh you dont even know" we started walking to the dressing rooms to change into our dance clothes.
*After Practice*

"Okay and thats pretty much it. You guys are fast learners, thats cool :) Well see you guys tomorrow and Sam i need to ask you something" i walked towards Taylor, while everyone else was leaving. Brenda was waiting for me by the door.
"Yeah what is it?"
"I hope you dont think im crazy or too outgoing when i say this, but i just really needed to say that youre really pretty. Anyhow, i need a little tiny bit of help on this dance dad explained it to me but i kind of may have forgot.."
"Yeah well that one is really simple. Um.. i guess i can show you"
"Yeah that would be great :)" i started doing the dance and he took notes of the steps.
"-and there. As simple as that. Its pretty easy"
"Well thanks. So i was gonna ask you if you might want to have dinner with me later on? I know we barely know each other, but we can get to know each other more and maybe become friends?"
"I guess thats okay :) Um.. but how about i tell you in like half an hour if i can? I have to check if i have anything else planned but im kind of sure i dont"
"Yeah sure. Hopefully you can"
"Okay well see you later then maybe" i grabbed my duffel bag and started walking to where Brenda was at.
"Finally! Ugh i was waiting for you here. Like 10 minutes" before we walked out the door, Royce walked in. Again with a hand behind his back. Taylor turned around instantly.
"So...recuerdas que tenia algo super importantisimo que preguntarte?..."
"Yeah... si recuerdo"
"Ok well... i need to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend? Mi novia? Would you?" He pulled out a bouquet of roses from behind his back.
"I-i dont know. I like you, but-"
"But what?"
"You deserve so much better than me-"
"Dont say that. I really like you and thats why i want you to be my girlfriend. Youre beautiful, nice, and youre just awesome. You understand me and-" Brenda cut him off.
"He's got a point. You guys are perfect for each other"
"See! Even Brenda agrees. So would you be my girlfriend?"
"Um...okay yes ill be your girlfriend :)" he came up to me and hugged me, i hugged him back.
"Okay girlfriend :) Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? It can be like our first dinner together as a couple"
"Yeah that sounds great :) but i gotta do something real quick" i walked back to where Taylor was at, fixing some boxes.
"Hey :)"
"Um. Im sorry about dinner but i wont be able to go. But if you want we can do it another day maybe next week or so"
"Yeah thats fine dont worry. I guess you have to be with your bf. I understand"
"Thanks :) see you tomorrow" i walked back with Brenda and Royce. They were in the middle of talking...
"Im back :)" they instantly turned around. They looked like they were hiding something.
"Hey guys. What are you guys up to?"
"Oh nothing. Just having a little talk about-"
"About.... PIZZA!" yelled Brenda.I saw Geoffrey turn around with a 'what?' Face.
"Uh yeah Pizza. I was telling Brenda that i really want pizza right now. What kind do you guys like?"
"Ooh i like pineapple pizza!" I said.
"Haha isnt that just hawaiian?" Said Brenda
"No! Hawaiian is pineapple and ham. I dont like the ham just the pineapple!"
"Geez okay. Pineapple is your favorite" We all walked out of the dance studio and we started saying our goodbyes.
"Bye Brenda see you tomorrow :)" i hugged her and she left.
"Bye Geoffrey" i told Geoffrey.
"Okay bye mi princesa see you in a bit then"
"Okay bye-"
"Wait." I walked back to where he was at.

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