Chapter 14 : Romeo Santos/ 5 Day Countdown

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Sam's P.O.V:

I went to my room and i got the letter. After about 2 hours of thinking how to explain it to Geoffrey i walked back to his room.
"Hey. Im back" he opened the door. He kind of smiled and we sat down in his couch.
"So what is it that you have to tell me Sam?" He looked really serious.
"Well, i got this letter a couple months ago. Um.. its about a school in London actually. Its a dance school, and i got a scholarship to go. I-i really cant miss this opportunity...this is my future...-"
"I understand you. And its awesome that you got a scholarship for a very good dance school. But i dont get why its supposed to be a problem between us" he held my hands tightly. He just didnt understand me.
"Dont you understand? Geoffrey, if i leave to London ill be there for at least 2 years. Im not gonna get to see you often. And im sure gonna miss you" tears started running down my face.
"Dont think that. Youre gonna have vacation time and you can come over. And when i have vacation time ill go visit you. Sometimes we have to go through this to be succesful... to be happy in life" we both got up and just stood there for a while.
"Youre right :) I have to follow my dreams... even if it means missing you a lot.." i hugged him really tightly. I sure was gonna miss him. I just dont know how everything would be in London.
"Yeah thats my girl :) So when do you leave? Do i still have time to spend with you?"
"I leave next week. So we still have a couple days. Tomorrow is our last concert right?"
"Yeah im pretty sure"
"Okay then we have 5 days after tomorrow-"
"Ill make those the best 5 days of your life. I promise" this time he hugged me really tight and i left to my hotel room. It was getting late.

All i could think about was London. I heard its amazing over there, but i love it here too. And i dont even know anyone over there. What if i get lost? Or what if nobody talks to me? Uggh, i should stop thinking about that. I still have a week left.
Royce's P.O.V:

Half of me is really happy for Sam to go and live her dreams, but the other half is just not sure. I dont want to sound selfish, but i kind of dont want Sam to leave... i know im gonna miss her a lot. But at the same time i have to be strong for her and i need to encourage her too.

She said she had 5 days left here, so im determined to make those the best 5 days of her life.
"Now presenting.... Prince Royce and Romeo Santos!" as soon as i heard that, Romeo and i walked on stage. The dancers including Sam were already on stage. I turned to her and she smiled back.

About an hour of the concert had passed and now it was time for our last act of the night. I was gonna sing 'Darte Un Beso' but as a duet with Romeo Santos... it was gonna be my last dance with Sam in this tour. We began to sing..
"Amarte como te amo es complicado...Pensar como te pienso es un pecado-" Sam walked up to me, and we started dancing while Romeo danced by himself and interacted with fans.

"-mirar como te miro esta prohibido. Tocarte como quiero es un delito.. ya no se que hacer para que estes bien. Si apagar el sol para encender tu amanecer. Hablar en portugues aprender a hablar frances, o bajar la luna hasta tus pies..." Sam walked back with the other dancers and waited for Romeo's solo to come out.

"Si el mundo fuera mio te lo daria-" the fans went crazy and Sam had started dancing with Romeo. They were dancing really close to each other, (which is how bachata is danced) but i wasnt jealous. Im pretty sure he knows she's my girlfriend... or maybe he doesnt.

"-hasta mi religion la cambiaria....pero tu no me das ni las noticias..."  he kept dancing with Sam and at the same time we started to sing together.
"Yo solo quiero darte un beso. Llenarte con mi amor el alma. Solo quiero darte un beso, quiero que no te falte nada...." before the song ended something that i really wasnt expecting happened. Romeo spinned Sam around and right after our verse of 'Darte Un Beso' he actually kissed her! I saw her pull away though. But she tried to make it seem natural so the fans wouldnt say nothing. I know Romeo and im pretty sure he just did that to get the fans excited, but he shouldnt be doing that either. I noticed Sam walk back to where the rest of the dancers were at and Brenda was asking her 'What was that?'
"Ladies and gentleman. But mostly ladies... this has been the last act of the night. But give it up once more for Prince Royce and Romeo Santos!" the crowd kept cheering.

After the concert we all went backstage. Sam walked up to me..
"Hey. How do you feel about this being our last concert together?" She wrapped her hands around my neck.
"Um idk. Sad i guess..." i wasnt really in the mood to talk right now.
"You guess? Geoffrey are you okay? Youre acting kind of weird"
"Im fine. But hey did you enjoy your kiss with Romeo Santos?" Her hands immediately moved away from me.
"What?! Omg Geoffrey thats what this is all about really? You know its like an act right? Just to get the fans excited?" She was mad now. But why would she be mad?
"Oh then why did i see you two kiss-"
"Hey Royce. Good show tonight. Those roycenaticas of yours are amazing..." Said Romeo. He stood there with me and Sam and im sure he noticed something was happening.
"- oh and hi whats your name?" He asked Sam.
"Im Sam"
"Hi Sam :) Sorry about the kiss. It was just to get fans excited you know... to bring a little action. Sorry again-"
"Its okay. I actually understand.. unlike OTHER people!" she kept staring at me.
"Whoa is something happening here? Something that i might need to know? Or i can help with?" I stayed quiet.
"Sorry. I uh.. didnt mean to do that. But maybe you should ask Royce there and he'll tell you whats happening" Sam walked away and she was seriously mad.

I told Romeo everything and he laughed at me.
"Damn boy. Youve seriously fallen in love! Hasta celoso eres ya? Jealousy isnt good. Look im sorry, i didnt know you guys were dating. Or i wouldnt have done that. Im really sorry. But that didnt mean nothing its kind of like a little act in front of the fans. Nothing real. Now you should go look for Sam and say sorry..-" i looked for Sam and i said i was sorry and that jealousy had taken over me. It was the honest truth.
"Awwe of course i forgive you!" She hugged me again.
"Really? This fast?"
"Haha yeah. Its cute that youre jealous. It means you really care about me, and you really love me" as soon as that was over we all went back to the hotel. Now the countdown of the 5 best days ever were gonna start.
_ Day 1 _
"Sam! Pass the ball!" I yelled at Sam as we were close to shooting into the net.

I arranged a soccer game with a couple friends, but this time i decided to be with Sam and not against her. We made a really good team.
"He shoots....and he scores!" Yelled our referee. Haha we were now beating Brenda and Derek 3-0.
"Yay! Another goal! Omg your first goal babe!" Yelled Sam. We hugged each other with excitement and we had a couple seconds left on the clock. Therefore we had oficially won. And yes, it was my first goal. Sam had made the other 2, but its just because she's like a pro already.

_Day 2_

I planned a fancy dinner date at the best restaurant in New York. Everything started good until one of the waiters started checking Sam out, like seriously out of no where.
"Youre such a beautiful girl. And that dress...oh its so-" Sam kind of giggled but i wasnt very comfortable. How could he be checking out my girlfriend!? The guy looked probably our age. But the embarassing part comes next... turns out i was getting jealous for nothing. The guy was gay, so the tables ended up turned because the guy started checking me out too.

"Oh youre such a handsome young man-" he tapped my shoulder and Sam giggled more.
"-seems like you should be a model or something...-"
"Um.. thank you. Can we place our orde-" i handed him my menu.
"Oh sorry. Yes, what would you guys like to have on this splendid day?"

After our fancy dinner, and that embarassing moment it was late so once again we each left to our hotel rooms.

This chapter is kind of long... more like medium haha. its a decent length :)

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