Chapter 32 :

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Theres probably just gonna be 2 more chapters! Ill be updating soon too! :)
Geoffrey's P.O.V:

Sam and i decided to go back home, since we really missed lil' Geoffrey.
We started packing our things and i carried everything into the car to drive back to the airport.
"Are you ready babe?!" I yelled.
"Yeah! Just give me a minute!"
"Okay! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-.."
"Stop counting!"
I started laughing a little.
"Fine!" There was a knock on the door and i opened it.
"Hi. I was looking for Geoffrey Royce?" It was a mail man.
"Yeah thats me"
"Okay. They asked me to give you this package and sign this paper.."
"Alright" i started signing the paper and the man put some type of cloth on me....

Sam's P.O.V:
"Sorry babe it was more like 3 minutes and not 1" There was no response and there was complete silence...
"Geoffrey! Where are you?" I walked around and he wasnt anywhere. I called the police right away.
"-...So he just disappeared?"
"Yes, but im sure that someone did something to him!"
"We cant do anything about it... sorry. But maybe he just went to the store or something"
"He didnt! I need you guys to help me!"
"We really cant... we have to wait at least 24 hours. He disappeared 5 minutes ago"
"B-but... okay fine! I knew I wasnt gonna be able to count on the police!" They left and i closed the door. I called my family, and Shanelli and Alex too.
"Are you sure he didnt just go out somewhere?"
"Yes, Shanelli im sure. We were just going to take a flight back home. The stupid police doesnt want to help"
"Look. Ill take the first flight over there. Ill leave lil' Geoffrey with my mom is that fine?"
"Yes of course. Thank you!" I hung up.
2 hours later Alex knocked on the door...
"Alex! Thanks for coming, i really need your help... I dont know what i would do if something happens to Geoffrey"
"Ill drive around somewhere and see if i find anything. Stay here"
"No, ill go with you" i insisted.
"Alright then"
We got on his car and we started driving around town, when all of a sudden... we came upon a weird looking van on the side of the road.
"Alex, pull over"
"B-but i cant we're on the-"
"I said pull over!" He ended up pulling over and i ran out the car...
There wasnt anyone in the van, or at least i thought...
"Nobody's in here"
"Wait Sam, i can hear something..." I could hear some faint screams and thats when i noticed someone was in the back.
"Help me open the back doors"
"Alright... move back" i moved back and Alex tried kicking the doors. He couldnt. While he kept trying, i went to the front of the van and i threw a rock at the window. After it broke i opened the van.
"There. Let me just crawl to the back and open the trunk-"
"No Sam. Ill go in there. You cant be doing all this stuff right now." I couldnt hear screams anymore.
"Alex please hurry up! I cant hear anything anymore" He opened the trunk and surely Geoffrey was there with a shot on his left shoulder. He was unconscious.
"Geoffrey!! Oh my god! Geoffrey wake up please! Geoffrey!" Alex called the police and the ambulance came to get Geoffrey. He was still breathing, but not very much.

Alex's P.O.V:
I stayed with the police, and they drove about a mile following some car tracks that were left. Apparently the people had fled in another car. After the police left, i drove to the hospital to see how Sam was doing. She's my best friend and i dont like to see her suffer like that.
"How are you doing Sam? Are you okay?" I found Sam in the waiting room of the hospital, she was crying
"How do you think im doing Alex?! Do i look okay!? No right?! Well theres your answer"
"Ill go see if Shanelli came already-..."
"Wait Alex, im sorry. Im just kind of stressed and mad and stuff"
"Yeah i know. Its okay"
The doctor came over and he told us that Geoffrey was perfectly fine, since the shot was only on the shoulder. He was still a bit unconscious but in a couple hours he would get better.
"Thank you doctor! Aaah Alex, im so happy! :)"
"I am too Sam. Im happy for you, i dont like seeing you sad"
"Thats really sweet Alex-"
"Its the truth... Seeing you smile just makes my day-... and-" i leaned in and i kissed her. I just couldnt hold it in somehow...
"Sam!!! How could you!? My brother's in the hospital and youre over here kissing other guys!? Why!? My brother doesnt deserve this! He's an amazing person and all his misfortunes so far have been because of you!" It was Shanelli. She was furious.
"Shanelli, it isnt what you think... He kissed me- ..and i didnt...i"
"Dont even try to explain yourself because i dont believe you!"
"Shanelli, she's saying the truth. It was all my fault, i kissed her and she tried to pull away but i didnt let her. Seriously, im really sorry" i said. It was the truth. I know Sam's happiness is next to Geoffrey and not me.
"Alright you guys can see Geoffrey now. He's in his room finally conscious"
"Thank you" The 3 of us walked into the room.
"How are you doing Geoffrey?" Asked Sam.
"Im doing good babe, thanks to you and Alex.... I heard when you guys tried to open the van, thank you soooo much" Shanelli looked at Sam with anger in her eyes.
"Thats good bro. I was worried, i took the first flight over here to see you"
"Thanks Shanelli. Well you saw me, and im fine now"
"Yeah. I mean now you are" I walked out the room, i couldnt handle the guilt.

Sam's P.O.V:
"Shanelli can you leave me and Sam alone for a bit?" Asked Geoffrey. Shanelli turned to look at me and then she left.
"So why did you ask her to leave us alone?"
"Just. I needed to be alone with you babe, and i need to thank you for what you did! You basically saved me... they were leaving me there to die"
"Uh...dont thank me, it was just-"
"No, you saved me and that deserves a big bear hug! Get over here" I walked a bit closer to him and he gave me a big bear hug.
"Geoffrey i need to tell you something"
"You always need to tell me something Sam, haha are we having twins or something?"
"No. Its really serious"
"Alright tell me then"
I took a deep breath and i told Geoffrey.
"Outside in the waiting room, me and Alex were talking, but all of a sudden he kissed me and-.."
"He did what!? Did you kiss him back?!"
"No of course not! I tried to back away and he didnt let me, but Shanelli saw and she hates me now...-"
"Okay well i believe you, but that jerk is going to pay... how could he!? I was already starting to trust him and now i cant"
"Just ignore it and forget about it. Im so glad you believe me babe"
"Of course i believe you. I know you would never lie to me"


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