Chapter Eighty Nine

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I'll make a deal, at least 5 likes and 5 comments interacting with this chapter, and tomorrow instead of one update I'll upload 3 chapters!!!!!

I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Eighty Nine:

Excited, we continued for about an hour before settling on a small flat part of rocks that weren't as unstable and bumpy, that we had been travelling on.

After having a small meal, we made sleeping shifts starting with me, Lucas, Lucy, then Shaun. As I watched everyone settle into their positions and lie back, I smiled softly as I leaned back on my hands and stared at the sky and the ever so looming ocean that laid so close yet so far away.

It was as if in no time that I had read the time perfectly through the moon just as Shaun had taught me, and woke a groggy Lucas before sleeping myself.

I dreamt of a boat, not a big one but not one so small. I stood on it staring into the distance, a smile on my face as the wind blew in my face sending my hair flailing back, and the wash of the sea sprinkling over me.

I could taste salt on my lips and closed my eyes as I enjoyed the feeling. As I opened my eyes to look at the bright sky, I frowned as it suddenly turned a dark purple and the wind picked up harshly causing me to grab onto the boat before falling into the ocean below.

Falling back onto the deck behind me, I let out a scream of fear as the clouds above me lowered to the ground and hovered over me. Still screaming, I raised my hands before I awoke.

Above me, Lucy straddled me with a wild look in her green eyes. She had a grin on her face as she laughed softly. Both her arms were above her head clutching a knife in her grip and I could see from behind her it was still late at night.

Suddenly, I saw her hands fall down at a plunge, and lucky for my quick reflexes, I grabbed her arms just before the knife plunged into my chest.

I saw her face morph into one of confusion, shock and anger as a breath of air left my lungs and my arms shook.

She placed all her strength into trying to push the knife into my chest. She made some ground but my adrenaline kicked in and I managed to push her up into a safe distance, for now.

I screamed out to Lucas as Lucy laughed from above me. She leaned over me applying her full body weight over me as the knife slowly worked its way down to my chest, my arms shaking and spasming at the pressure.

"Oh, Bryce," she laughed a deep heart stopping cackle.

Her long bright blonde hair slipped over her shoulders and tickled along my cheeks and bare shoulders as I shook my head brushing away the air.

"You know, I gave you to much credit. I honestly thought you were smarter than this."

She pushed harder and I let out a grunt calling out for Lucas again.

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