Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:

"Arg," I screamed out, pain ringing through the thumb on my left hand.

I placed my thumb in my mouth quickly and sucked on it once, as if thinking it would take the pain away from where my screwdriver nailed into my thumb, missing the screw on the hinge. After a few more seconds I went straight back to work knowing that every second counts.

Not caring about the nail that laid on he floor, I bent onto my knees and continued screwing the last nail that held door handle and the door together, and finally the handle came loose and I quickly pulled at it.

The handle fell down onto the floor with a satisfying clang that I had succeeded again before drawing my leg out and kicking open the door.

The seventh door I had opened in under two minutes.

As the door fell onto the floor and I moved out of its way, the loud thud following it, I looked back into the room and saw two girls half lying and sitting on their beds shivering. As if they had hypothermia.

"Hey," I called out to them and their eyes met mine after looking in horror at the door that had just fell before me with a loud thud just after the door handle.

"Head to the bathrooms and get rid of your fevers," I turned to leave and continue on before stopping at the last second and turning back. "If possible, you are not the only ones suffering from this sickness, so try get some other doors open for others trapped in there with the same sickness as you and are suffering on their own. I can't open all of them."

And with that, I turned and ran away to go to Carter in the bathroom who has been waiting patiently, most likely wondering where I was.

As I ran my way back towards the bathrooms in the dank, much too quiet hallway, I saw from one of the doors that I had opened, two guys leaning against each other, trying to support themselves to get to the bathrooms and most likely do what I had told them.

My heart yearned for me to stop making my way to Carter and help the two guys who seemed to be struggling drastically, but my head told me that Carter is right now my top priority so I continued making my way towards the girls bathroom where Carter was, but not before making a deep promise to myself.

As soon as I get Carter back to the room warm and better, I'd come back and open more doors. And maybe even try help some of the ones that are sick.

Wanting to hurry to try help the others locked in their rooms, I sprinted towards the bathrooms.

Running through the now very annoying mini corridor to get to the main entrance, I ran up the main hallway to the bathrooms and towards the very end where Carter would be.

I narrowly avoided the water puddles on the ground, obviously from the showers, before making my way towards the end where I turned into the closet bathtub and found Carter sitting where I left him shivering. But not as much as before.

Standing before him, I bent onto my knees so I was eye level with him.

I stared at his face, his dark brown hair stuck to hair beside a few rogue strands hanging in front of his face still not getting the hint to not cover his eyes.

His face lifted slightly, and his green eyes shone as I stared into them. The small specks of brown still was there around his iris. It was like I was in a trance, one where I couldn't look away, I couldn't think, I couldn't remember what I had to do momentarily.

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