Chapter Eighty Three

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Still going strong guys ... I have trials coming up and it is becoming very hard to balance writing and studying ... but hey right now I'm still here.

I will be aiming to update once every three days, but that will depend on how quickly I can write the chapters. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Eighty Three:

It was one thing seeing the abandoned city in ruins from a distance compared to in person just before you. 

Most of the main street was cracked and indented as shops that use to exist here were all covered in growing plants and had cracked store fronts. I stared in shock as I observed the wreckage of the city. 

Lucas drove slowly as he weaved around random cars that loitered the road and both of us looked around at the city before us. Above us, clouds covered the sky making it not too bright and it was hard to see far down streets we passed by.

I felt my fear grow as my wariness increased drastically. I could practically hear my heart beating wildly rather than feel it. It was one thing seeing it and being in it.

What made me even more terrified was the eerie silence. There was no sound other than the soft blow of the wind and the sound of the bike as it rumbled lowly, making our way through the large city that seemed to just extend forever.

"What happened?" I whispered softly as I looked around at all the smashed cars and broken buildings.

"I don't know," replied Lucas softly as we continued to move at a slow pace. Much to slow that I did not feel very secure at the pace. "But whatever it is, I don't want to be here for long."

I nodded as we continued moving forward.

"How big is this place," I observed as I looked around and trailed the sight of a large skyrise that had piles of rubble from the building below it from high above.

Lucas narrowly missed a jotting pipe as he swerved around it going on the pavement of the city before returning to the clustered road.

"Look around, you tell me."

I rolled my eyes and slapped his back softly, 

"Smart Alec, I meant, they would not just build this much and place everything here just to destroy it, dickhead."

He was silent as he thought before he replied humming at the nickname, "Original. Maybe people actually lived here before? But I would not put it past them to actually commit to this and actually do that. Haven't you noticed how fucked this whole thing is?"

I snorted and nodded agreeing with him. "ResdueWith our new system, new life, we will live happily, we will live victorious, we will live better, we will live a new life."

Lucas snorted as I recited the governments main catchphrase.

"I see you memorised that one."

"Who wouldn't? We hear it about a hundred times a year," I rolled my eyes.

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