Chapter Seventy One

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I will be having (TRYING) to have much more regular updates now . I will be aiming to update once a day to three days, but that will depend on how quickly I can write the chapters. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Seventy One:

Even with the enraged beast set wild amongst the woods, I would have much rather preferred that over extremely hot and dry desert.

Walking on sand was a hundred times harder than walking on flat land. I had no doubt that half my books consisted of sand and that even through the hard leather of them, the sand still managed to find its way and seeped through cracks and holes within them.

It was scorching hot and I felt my face enflame as it was no doubt burned by the sun. All I managed to do was sweat and was barely able to move my feet as we travelled and did not stop.

We must have been walking for hours as when I looked behind me I could no longer see the familiar welcoming trees of the woods and instead was met with only plains of sand, cascading in hills and slopes of never ending grainy hot sand.

We had stopped for a break around an hours back drinking water and eating some food we have rationed. And it was then we realised truly how low we were on supplies already. It was meant to last us a while and instead has barely managed to suffice two days. The canteens were low on water and it was extremely lucky we found that stream otherwise we would be in serious trouble right now . . . not like we wouldn't be in serious trouble soon anyways.

Thing was, we had to make sure we stayed hydrated otherwise there was no point and we would not be able to last long. But with using our supplies we still wouldn't last long when it ran out.

So it was a pretty lose-lose situation anyways.

This time we really did not talk to much as our mouths were parched, my tongue dry, throat burning, and my lips burned as they chapped from how dry they were. Random gusts of wind sent sand flying and caused a lot of irritation as it fell into places I'd rather not mention, and seeped into my eyes making me cry as I was temporarily blinded.

We travelled like that all day before night approached. See, where it was extremely hot and dry during the day, the night was the complete opposite. Instead, it was freezing to a point where it was much worse than the woods. But instead of stopping and resting, we decided to keep moving in fear of not being able to move again from how cold it was.

Half way through the night with the moon directly ahead, we decided to sit and settle on the sand for a while as our muscles ached to much to keep moving on. As we sat I felt my body yearn in relief as they finally relaxed and the ever growing cramp in my calf ceased from bugging me and relaxed as I stretched.

Lucas drew his bag from his shoulders and handed me one of the last part of our supplies, a single apple as he too took one for himself.

He clinked his apple against mine and murmured a, "to survival," before taking a bite from the juicy apple.

I let out a single breathy chuckle before taking a deep breath and devoured the red ripe apple. I tried to savour it but my hunger got the best of me and I quickly ate it to the core before chucking it somewhere far along the sand, I watched it roll down the hill beside us as we sat atop one and watched it before I could no longer see it.

My fingers were sticky with the juices and as the wind picked up sand clung to them, and no matter how many times I attempted wiping it away and off onto my shirt, they clung to me like a second skin.

In fact, I think I added it and cleaned my shirt more than my hands.

Lucas chuckled as he watched me with amusement and finished the last of his apple.

As we sat a little longer I reached for my own bag and went to pull out a canteen before realising we only had half worth of one. I pulled it out and gave Lucas a grave look as I raised it.

"This is all we have left."

He frowned and checked his own bag even though we both knew we placed the last of the full canteens in my bag.

"We won't have any," he replied and this time I frowned.

Although I felt better after having something little to eat, my hunger had silenced a little and I felt more awake, there was no mistaking the feeling of thirst gnarling through me, and I could see Lucas felt the same.

However, the stern look on his face showed me enough that I knew he wouldn't budge, and I knew he was right. Being at the last of our food and water sources we could not risk wasting our supplies and had to save it for the last possible moments. 

So, I placed the canteen back in my bag.

We both quickly packed up our things and continued moving through the desert, through the night trying to save ourselves and keep warm against the bitter cold. Even whilst moving around, there was no amount of exercise and energy being used to warm me against this cold.

I did not even think Lucas could fix this . . . if he did what he did last night.

Dawn quickly approached and if it was not for my determination to keep moving forward as Lucas trailed along in front of me, I would've dropped and fallen asleep.

It was difficult as we were high on some sand hill range that I had not exactly noticed the night before. In fact, one wrong step to the side and I would go flying down to the bottom. And with the way how similar the sand all looked, I had no idea how far the bottom was.

In fact, everything looked the exact same that all I knew was that we were travelling in circles, truly not moving anywhere.

Hours later, only a single break, sun burning away cause me to feel itchy and sticky with the stench of sweat. I almost felt relief as I saw something else in front of me that differed from the never ending hills of sand and blank distance of just pure sand . . . sand and the never ending horizon meeting sky.

From behind me now, I heard Lucas breathing heavily as I paused at the top of a large sand hill, staring down in the distance, probably a few miles ahead something different from the sand hills. I was not sure what it was. But it was certainly much better than just sand. In fact, it extended so far the even in the distance I could see it stretched for miles in length and even possibly several hundred feet wide.

"At least we know we aren't travelling in circles," commented Lucas in a huff.

I smiled in response and turned to him.

"Finally, something."


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