Chapter Sixty Eight

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I will be trying to have much more regular updates. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Sixty Eight:

My breath was laboured as I panted. My head still throbbing but was only a numbing pain as my fear rose and my heart accelerated. 

The sound of mine and Lucas's feet thrumming the ground seemed so loud that I cringed at the amount of noise it was making. But nothing, nothing was louder than the sound of the thrumming footsteps near behind, shaking and causing the ground to vibrate.

I had no idea what it was, and I did not plan to find out anytime soon.

It was still late at night and it was near impossible to see anything, so blindly, we ran. Ran in the opposite direction of whatever was causing death and destruction.

Faintly, blood curling screams were heard through the night and the deathly silence that followed soon after, every single time, seemed to be louder than the screams themselves.

"How far do you think it is?" I ask painfully, sacrificing what little air I had left.

"I," Lucas breathed quickly, heavily, "Don't know."

I ran blindly forwards almost tripping on roots and branches that blocked my pathway when suddenly I was knocked to the ground for the second time tonight. Only this time, the body on top of me was living.

I let out a quick shrilling squeak, as I came face to face with the man on me.

Originally thought that his hair might have been orange, but the few streaks of a lighter colour within it revealed to me that his hair was streaked and soaked in blood. I could see dirt streaking his cheeks and forehead, spreading as sweat ran through it. His nose was bent at an odd angle and after closer inspection I realised that a lot of what I thought was dirt was actually freckles blending into his lighter face.

His eyes had glistened with shock, and that was when I suddenly remembered where I was. 

The pain in my head came rushing in and my heart pounded hardly again. But was not because of the looming beast behind me, but from the man laying across me which I had realised welded a long sword behind his back, held in its holster.

I attempted to scramble back, and he did the same thing, no doubt eyeing my own machete hung across my waist. I had seen enough of what people were doing to each other and I did not want to be apart of that.

He quickly rose to his feet as I felt someone- Lucas- grip me from behind and haul me up quickly. "You alright?"

I nodded and just like that I watched the man in front of me, nod softly as if wishing me luck, and continue running.

I did not stay in place long enough to wonder about what would happen and instead, me and Lucas continued running, following after the man and his partner whom I had not noticed before.

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