Chapter Forty One

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A/n: Is this an early update??? YES IT IS! And even more . . . ITS A DOUBLE UPDATE! The next chapter will be posted straight after this so don't forget to read it.
And if I can get at least ten comments on each update, I will update the next chapter, after the next one (so chapter forty three) as soon as the comment limit is reached!!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!
Enjoy! TaylorLeFay
PLEASE COMMENT; let me know if you are liking the story. It would be amazing to know and I'll love to know what you are thinking!

Chapter Forty One:

Lucas continued to twitch and convulse on the ground and the tears in my eyes kept rolling down my face. I was in shock and my heart shattered at seeing this.

I had just killed Lucas.

I felt my knees grow week and I fell to the ground beneath me as tears and sobs took over my body and I was shaking all over. I suddenly felt incomplete and I watched the sight in front of me through my blurring vision as Lucas shook with tremors.

His dark hair hung over his hooded closed eyes, his lips were pale in comparison to the cherry red they usually were. His clothes stuck to him as sweat coated his body. That was all I could see. His usual bright face when he looked at me now dead as he began to still.

I had just killed Lucas.

Time froze yet again and my blood had finally ran cold. My body was numb and I couldn't think as I could not hear anything around me. Only the ringing of a faint buzz growing only louder that I began clenching my ears in a desperate attempt to block the horrid noise.

The tears running down my face only seemed to increase as I started rocking backwards and forwards with my arms clenched around my knees. To stop the awful sound I was about to make I desperately dug my teeth into my knee and began screaming in pain.

I had just killed Lucas.

I couldn't believe what just happened.

I deserved to die.

The thoughts kept running through my head and I couldn't help but agree with everything I was thinking.

This was my fault and now it was my turn to own up to it.

I was going to rot in hell and I deserved every second of it.

I looked up towards the official waiting to be escorted out willingly before something had caught my eye.

Lucas's chest was still moving.

He was still breathing.

I paused in shock and watched as his eyes slowly fluttered open and those beautiful eyes looked around as if confused to where he was.

Instantly, I knew that I was imagining things and that my mind was a horrid corrupted place which only tried to torture me for what I have done.

I watched as my mind made me believe that I saw Lucas sitting upwards slowly, resting on the back of his arms as he looked around and focused on the plants sitting alongside the table beside him.

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