Chapter Thirty Six

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A/n: Sorry for the late update. But it's a really long chapter! I somehow had spare time!!!! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!
PLEASE COMMENT on my chapters and let me know if you are actually liking the story. It would be great as it would help with my motivation towards this story.
Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

Chapter Thirty Six:

"Dies half its life and lives the rest. Questioned what could be made, but all is victim to desecrate. What builds up, is everlasting. But do not begrude this, as it is the fate of all. Half of me will mend, the other half will imprison."

"Have you two figured anything out yet, or is it just me and buckwheat over here that hasn't figured anything out."

"Dude I've told you that buckwheat sucks. Hemlock is so much more of a badass plant."

'Hemlock is a biennial or occasionally an annual plant which originated in Europe, western Asia and North Africa and was deliberately introduced to Australia. It prefers moist, neglected situations and can be found in most areas of Victoria. It is usually unimportant as an agricultural weed but sometimes invades pastures and areas of cultivation. As an environmental weed it has invaded lowland grassland and grassy woodland, riparian vegetation and warm temperate rainforest.'

'Hemlock contains five toxic alkaloids which vary in concentration due to climatic conditions. The fruit, vegetative parts and roots are all poisonous to humans and stock. The Greek philospher Socrates is said to have been killed with hemlock. In Victoria a child died from hemlock poisoning in 1994. Handling the plant can cause dermatitis in some people.'

"Dies half its life and lives the rest."

"Questioned what could be made, but all is victim to desecrate."

"What builds up, is everlasting."

"But do not begrude this, as it is the fate of all."

"Half of me will mend, the other half will imprison."

I wake with a gasp, my breath ragged as I swiped away the sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand.

I turned to the clicking clock on the wall to find that it was two am. Turning my head to the right, I could see through my half closed curtains and found that it was still pitch black outside. No sign of sunrise.

I felt my heart begin to slow and felt more relaxed as I continued to breath out of breath. I began feeling better and started thinking about the dream I just had. It was just snippets of memories I had and it didn't make sense as first.

Why would I be dreaming about the banter Jarvis and Logan had earlier today? And why did the mention of hemlock from Jarvis emit a long text I had read in my biology last year?

A year ago we were learning about plants and the different type of properties they had. But it did not explain why that one excerpt pooped into my head as soon as it was mentioned.

I shook my head as it was filled with these thoughts and quietly got out of bed. I made sure not to make too much noise as Lucas was beside me currently snoring quietly as he slept.

Even in the dark I could make out his facial feature. His long dark hair fully in his eyes, his rugged nose, and the stubble on his jawline as he clearly hasn't shaved for the past few days.

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