Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

It was another cloudy day. The sun hid behind the clouds yet again and no sunlight was seen. It was gloomy again and you could swear the universe was sending a message to everyone, more specifically the government I liked to think.

I stared out the window of the car as I drove by all the houses. The all looked empty like no one was there, like no one has ever lived there. But that wasn't true. I knew that. They were all at the school waiting for Carter and I to turn up. To give us their best wishes and wish us a goodbye, for them to send their prayers our way.

The thoughts clouded my head and I couldn't get them out so I turned the radio up trying to wash them away and drowned myself in the song. 'That's how you know you fucked up' sang through and after a few seconds of listening to it I turned the radio completely off.

In the corner of my eye I saw Daniel who was driving look at me curiously as his lips twitched upwards but turned his gaze back to the worn out grey road which was filled with pot holes which the car jumped to every few seconds because of how many of them there were.

The reason why I turned the song off was because it couldn't describe my situation any better. I guess in a way it is how I fucked up. Why did I have to be strong? Have a bit of a temper which made me defend myself? Why was I sporty? Or even smart? If I wasn't like this maybe I wouldn't even be in this position.

Daniel had just turned onto the main road which eventually turned left to which where the school was. It was like I was on the road to my death, the highway to Hell, and the tingling nerves in my stomach didn't help.

But before we got to the road where we were meant to go to school Daniel turned right where there was a long road which held many of Redlake's stores. Daniel pulled up in front of Gloria Jeans and we got out the car. I wasn't suppose to be at the school until ten minutes and during that time Daniel and I got ourselves milkshakes.

We walked inside and ordered what we wanted before sitting in the back booth which was pretty gloomy. Barely anyone was here. It was practically empty, and it just proved that everyone was ready and waiting for the school assembly and farewell.

"So," said Daniel and I turned to him where he slurped loudly on his milkshake and let out a loud ah when he drank at least an eight of the cup which made me give him a soft smile. "You ready?"

I almost laughed out loud at his stupidity. I just looked up at the ceiling and stared at the pattern of it how the paint was swirled around before looking back to him.

"What do you think?" I asked him sarcastically.

"I don't know."

We were quiet for a bit after that. It wasn't awkward or anything. I guess we were both relieving these last ten minutes together. My last time spent alone with my older brother before who knows what is going to happen.

I let out a loud breath, "I'm not going to die."

"I know," he replied just like last night.

"I'm coming back."

"I know."

"This isn't goodbye."

"I know," he replied softly and looked me in the eyes during the whole conversation.

The door of Gloria Jeans then suddenly let out a ring as the door opened and we didn't have to turn or look to see or know who it is.

Carter walked up to us after grabbing the milkshake he ordered which was quickly made and he took a seat next to me while his two elder twin brothers Tyler and Darren took the seats next to Daniel.

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