Chapter Forty Five

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A/n: I will be having much more regular updates now that I am on holidays. I have made myself a system where every time I finish writing a chapter (two chapters ahead) I will post the previous one so you all will be getting more frequent updates.
          I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
          Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!


Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

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Chapter Forty Five:

It turns out that Lucas and I were close to the last people to make it outside in the main quad.

Everyone was already gathered together and were in their own little groups that they had formed at the beginning of the Resdue. Except they weren't really groups. They were more clusters of people trying to make this a high school cliche and use each other when needed to then stab them in the back.

At least, that was what some of the rumours had suggested.

We slowly approached the large group and I quickly scanned around to see if I could find two heads; one with a brown afro, and another with curly black hair. Except I couldn't find them over the roaring crowd and the amount of people around.

So instead, Lucas and I hung around the back.

I observed everyone curious as to what they decided to do at the announcement of this test. I couldn't help but notice that half of the people were prepared where as the other half weren't.

The smarter part of the people which related to me and Lucas were dressed more appropriately for something that seemed to involve more physical activities. They had sneakers on compared to some people with sandals and slides and had large backpacks like me.

Only some had really big backpacks which would definitely be a liability later on and the other half had smaller, more portable backpacks which seemed to be the better option. Like Lucas and myself.

However, the other half of people that didn't seem well prepared looked much more nervous. I could tell by the way they glanced at everyone else who seemed more prepared that they regretted it. It was definitely too late to turn back and change their mind and they were stuck now with what they had. Or what they didn't have.

I felt pitiful as I knew that it would've been a bigger stress to be completely unprepared and I hoped that everyone could somehow be okay.

But that was not how it worked.

I sighed in despair and instead looked upwards towards the calm night sky.

To say it was a nice night was an understatement.

There were no harsh winds that rushed through the air, sweeping chills throughout the area making the hair on everyone's skin stand tall. No clouds clouded the sky causing the moonlight to illuminate the whole area making it easier to see. I could clearly define all the features on Lucas's face from the worry in his eyes and the wrinkles of skin as he was confused and frustrated not knowing what to do.

The air around was pretty light too with no humidity making it easier to breathe and not to hot that I was sweating through the black long sleeved leather shirt I had on. The denim blue shorts I had on made me seem more airily and didn't cause me to overheat making my body temperature almost perfect.

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