Chapter Eighty One

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I will be having much more regular updates now that I am on holidays. I will be aiming to update once every three days, but that will depend on how quickly I can write the chapters. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Eighty One:

We stayed like that for a few moments, me completely still as he stared at me with an intensity that had my heart beating like crazy. The butterflies in my stomach danced up and down. I licked my lips trying to cool myself and this seemed to unlock Lucas from his trance.

One moment, he was in front of me, his stare driving me like crazy, and the next. He roughly pushed his head towards me, angling it slightly, his lips meeting mine.

I gasped at the connection and felt his lips turn into a smirk before he pressed his lips back to mine and I stood frozen for a few seconds as he continued to press his lips against mine and move them. It took me a moment to process that Lucas was kissing me, and when I finally realised that, that Lucas was kissing me! My eyes fluttered shut.

I leaned forwards and caught his lips between mine and angled me head to meet his. I felt him hum softly and I raised my hands so they finally could brush through his hair. There was nothing sensual about this kiss. Instead, it was hot and heavy and desperate.

I gripped my hands on his head, one hand gripped the back of his hair tightly, and the other was at his neck as I roughly pushed him further into me if that was even possible. I heard him groan softly and his hands that caged me into the shelf rose to my face as one hand settled on the edge on my neck, gripping softly and his other one circled around my waist, pulling me flush against his body.

His thumb brushed against my jaw and this single action sent me crazy as I further pushed myself into him, his hand around my waist assisting me. There was no way to describe how I was feeling. But the only thing I knew what that it felt right.

The feel of his lips against mine drove me wild as I felt my body warm and grow so hot that I could no longer handle it. Breaking apart, I took a quick breath of air as my eyes opened to find him staring at me.

The one look he sent me made my heart flutter for the thousandth time and my eyes fluttered half shut as I breathed heavily. Barely catching my breath, he took a step forward and leaned his head towards mine as I pulled him into me.

The taste of his lips was so addictive as I kissed him desperately, I could not get enough. The taste, I could not describe, it was just him, all him. I felt him pull back softly and as he did so he dragged his tongue across my bottom lip and his teeth nipped at it. He pulled back dragging my lip with him.

I froze as my eyes closed and opened as lust filled my vision and with the strong grip on his head I pulled him roughly back to me as he chuckled deeply causing my core to flutter crazily and I felt warmth begin to pool.

Opening my mouth, he kissed me with his tongue, dragging it across mine lightly. I could not help but let out a moan at the feeling and I knew that this sent him crazy. The hand that gripped my waist curved the shape of my backside before he settle it below where the back of my thigh was. His other hand joined him and he bent his knees slightly.

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