Chapter Thirty Four

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A/n: I am soooo sorry about the really long update. I had many exams and Im right now between the process of more but found time to quickly write this up. You will find that the 'message' in the chapter will not be something you could search up as I took the time to actually create it myself (psych). Anyways I hope you like the chapter.
PLEASE COMMENT on my chapters and let me know if you are actually liking the story. It would be great as it would help with my motivation towards this story and hopefully make me right more.
Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

Chapter Thirty Four:

I turned the page of my book and continued reading on until the next. From beside me, simultaneously Lucas did the same.

We hadn't said anything to each other since this morning, neither from when I had returned to the room before and after my shower, which I had regretfully broken down. I still felt disappointed in myself for that as I had broke down so easily after only four tests.

But the most regretful thing I felt was that I have not spoken to Lucas at all. But I was too chicken to do so now which lead to Lucas still reading on his bed quietly when I returned, and me quickly following suit after putting my things away.

It was late afternoon, the sun was setting sending intense rays of orange light pouring into our room as the curtains were wide open.

Despite everything, I loved the view the large window gave and gazed out of it as I relished the sight of the orange rays hitting the grounds around us.

People were walking down the cobblestoned pathway, making their way back to their dorm rooms. Clustered together, shading each other from the southern wind and seeking comfort from each other.

It made me smile lightly as it reminded me of home. Yet, this was definitely not home, home didn't have me fearing everything around me, fearing every moment I was conscious and unconscious. I felt safe at home. Here I don't.

Turning away from the window as all retched thoughts came to my mind from what has happened so far, I turned my head down to my book and continued to read.

As I read the hour away, I constantly had some tingly feeling like someone was watching me and when I looked up I found nothing. Only Lucas engrossed in his own book as if there was nothing around him, and the pale rotting room which reminded me of a jail cell if not for the large window.

I always shook the feeling away and continued reading. But this time it was different. When I looked up I could see something in the corner of my eyes, reflecting off the large window.

As I turned and peered into it, the spitting image of my room reflected off the glare of it as the sun had officially set and it was dark outside. The light radiating from my room was bright and I could almost see everything picture perfect.

I could see my face and the wrinkled lines on my forehead making me realise just how stressed I was feeling. My hands holding the book which were still spotted blue along with my right cheek. Lucas behind me still staring intensely into his book as he turned the page clearly engrossed into the book. The bed with its plain colour and the wrinkled spots around it.

But what was different was the girl standing in the corner.

Quickly I turned to look at who was there, my heartbeat being the only thing I could hear other than my erratic breathing, but found no one there.

Lifting a hand to my chest in relief, I began to breath slowly before turning back to the window pane to suddenly jolt.

The girl was now behind me.

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