Chapter Sixty Seven

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I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Sixty Seven:

My legs felt like lead as I tried to continue walking. The heaved and ached with every step and my breathing was laboured as I tried to continue on.

Sweat dripped down my forehead and continue to freeze against the cold nights breeze that made it slightly more bearable to do all this walking. Because of how hot I was feeling, the cold night did not affect me to much luckily.

Sweat clung to me as well as my shirt and pants like a second of layer of skin, plastered against my like my hair.

I felt absolutely disgusting and greasy and yet, I could not do anything about it.

One step, two steps, three.

I looked downward barely able to make out my legs with the limited moonlight out in the woods. I urged myself to keep moving, to keep moving forward.

We could not stop now, not at the time in the night. It has been silent but who knew what lurked just beyond the trees we saw.

Even the insects and bugs that buzzed with life just before sunset had gone to sleep and were silent within the night. Which was odd for insects considering that night time was the time they usually thrived, awake with energy and non stop buzzing.

From slightly ahead of me, Lucas continued walking as well. I could hear his laboured breathing matching my own and knew he, like me, was struggling a lot and could barely move as it was.

It was stupid of us to keep pushing ourselves to the limit. I knew that if for some reason the people killing everybody appeared to kill us too, I had absolutely no energy to defend myself against them and would happily lay back and die.

The sheer pain of all this hiking and moving was killing me.

But it was a good distraction. It silenced the thoughts in my head.

It did not allow me time to thing which was good. I wasn't left pondering and wondering about the silence, how far behind we are. What would happen if we died? Or if we made it to the end but just not in time. Where our other friends were, and what lurked beyond the woods.

Even, were the cameras around set on me and Lucas? Could my family see me? And from where, how far, or was it somewhere else, laughing in our faces at a danger ahead of us that we couldn't see but everyone else could?

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and focused on moving forwards.

Four steps, five, six, seven.

But despite everything I could not deny the beauty of the woods tonight. Even this dark and late with minimal moonshine. I could see the thick trunks of trees and how high they rose, their beautiful dark oaked tree stumps, some trees having nooks where you could see squirrels sleeping.

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