Chapter Forty

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A/n: I'll be trying to have more regular updates now that I have spent the last two weeks planning the rest of the story! Yes I have planned all chapters to the end!!! We still have quite a bit to go!!!! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!
Enjoy! TaylorLeFay
PLEASE COMMENT; let me know if you are liking the story. It would be amazing to know and I'll love to know what you are thinking!

Chapter Forty:

Lucas and I stood nervously beside the table we had chosen in the back corner of the dining hall.

We were awaiting for the official walking down the isle just three tables away from us and I couldn't help but feel frightened. His foots clanged with every step, my heart clanging along with him.

Even though I never saw what had happened and how everything was behind the curtains, I knew that whatever was going to happen was going to be hell.

Thump, thump.

The sound of the officials footsteps were louder now, ringing through the silent hall as he approached me and Lucas.

He was dressed just as Gailsman was and held a sneer on his lips as his cool calculating eyes looked over myself and Lucas. He seemed to debate with himself for a minute as he straightened his dark jacket and then nodded his head towards Lucas before pointing at the chair in a silent gesture.

As Lucas took a step towards the chair, he turned back to me for a second with a serious look which was also reassuring in a way. I nodded with a small smile and he took his place on the seat facing the wall beside us as I swelled the knot in my throat,

He chose me.

Oh god.

I silently prayed that I was make it through this alive along with Lucas and that I could make the right choices.

Out of the two of us, Lucas was the better choice. He would've done better than me and could probably identify the exotic plants behind me. He may not look like it, but that boy was smart, I knew it and he hid it well.

I could feel my body develop a rush as the situation just settled over me that the date of our lives lie in my hands. I can't do this, who am I kidding. Some of the plants I didn't even recognise. The only one I could recognise was the Hemlock that sat mocking me on the table.

"Welcome contestants to the fifth task. My you achieve the best you can and rejoice with your partner when this is completed. Begin."

And begin was what I did.

I was quick to turn and approach the table finally getting a good look at what was displayed before me.

Five different exotic plants sat before me. They raised about a metre high each and looked different yet the same at the same time. Out of all five of them, there was only one that I could instantly recognise and that was Hemlock.

The white grouped flowers in small bursting bunches connected to one stem along with the triangle shaped green leaves gave it away. I had stared at many different variations of the Hemlock plant that I knew for sure that it was Water Hemlock. Instantly, I picked it up and moved it to the furthest side of the table away from Lucas as it was meant to be ordered from least to most poisonous.

I returned my attention to the four other plants and came to face with the plant that was beside Hemlock. It wasn't The as recognisable with its long stem full of round green leaves with lines curving into the leaves stem. Small light purple flowers were beginning to bloom around the plant making the plant seem more friendlier to what it really could be.

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