Chapter Twenty One

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A/n: Hey, this is Taylor speaking. I was wondering about how everyone feels about this story? Liking it? Not?
Anyways. I'm going away today and won't be back until the end of January, so there won't be any updates till then. But here is a long chapter for all of you :)
Don't forget to hit that star and vote for this chapter. Also feel free to comment anything or ask any questions. And please spread word of my story to your friends and other fellow wattpadians.
Hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter Twenty One:

"Bryce Henson, Redlake High," announced Axel King looking up from the single piece of paper in his hand.

My world freezes from within me and my head becomes blank. The pounding of my heart ringing through me, the tight grip that Carter has on my hand now numb and I could barely register that it was there.

My breathing hitches and I stand up slowly.

From beside me I could hear Carter saying something to me, but didn't know what he was saying. Jarvis and Logan seemed to be saying something as well and Lucy's face was contorted in a look of horror and fear.

Her eyes welled with tears and my fear levels rose even higher then what they were before.

I could see people around us turn to my direction and whispers were murmured lowly between them and I knew that they knew it was me who was up.

Everything came rushing in suddenly as Carter tugged harshly at my wrist.

"Bryce," he said staring me in the eyes as my vision solely focused on him.

"Blue," he repeated. "You can do this okay. Don't rush and think. You are smart, use it to your advantage."

I nodded my head in response and stared into his green eyes for a few moments longer, as if I was trying to memorize how he looked. The way they crinkled in concern and the few dark strands falling into his eyes.

I had the urge to brush them away yet again, but held back.

"You can do this," he repeated and suddenly, surprising myself, I leaned forwards and caught him in a tight embrace.

He seemed shocked and frozen for a second, his hand still holding mine and was quite rigid. But after a few more seconds he wrapped his arms around me tightly. We stayed there for a few moments before I pulled back, my mind finally registering what I was doing.

His eyes held mine for a second more and they shone in amusement as I fought to hold back the blush threatening to escape onto my face.

Not a second later, I began walking my way down the steps towards the blue mats which laid ahead at the bottom.

My heart still pounded through me racking me to my core, but I held that within along with the nerves and plastered my face with a determined and what I hoped looked like an intimidating look so when faced with my opponent they could at least feel a little threatened.

As I walked down the steps, I more felt than knew all the gazes that were pitched in my direction. Like most people when they were in my position, people whispered quietly and most were quiet watching in anticipation on who would be facing the called up person.

A lot of people placed bets when the fights came up. With the last few hours I had spent watching the fights with others. Everyone was betting who could win and even Carter, Jarvis, Logan, Shaun, Lucy, and I voted on who would win based on looks and muscle build.

Most of the time I was right, but I was wrong as well, misjudging the other person from their lack of muscles which were visible.

It wasn't long until I reached the bottom.

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