Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

"Hey, Bryce," I heard distantly as I felt a nudge by my side.

"Bryce, wake up," I heard more loudly now and I opened my eyes slowly as the sleep started to slowly drift away.

I looked around to see my surroundings and saw that I was still in the bus but it was much darker outside and as I looked it of the window I saw that in fact it was night or at least on the verge of nightfall and there were large black gates that towered outside.

I felt something moving under my head as I stared outside and I turned to my left to find that I had fallen asleep with my head resting on Carter's shoulder. Quickly, I took my head off it and saw Carter looking at me with amusement in his eyes and I murmured a small sorry before returning my gaze outside.

As it was nightfall a dark gloom was let out the land and it was clear we weren't anywhere near the petrol station as before. Where we were surrounded by forests, now there is only flat land of fields everywhere. In all directions. I couldn't spot anything with the kilometres worth of land between the bus and each window. The only thing I saw faintly was the barbed black wire fence distantly and the black metal fence we now approached.

Placing my head as far as I could to the window I saw that we had arrived at the Resdue location and that there wasn't any turning back. Not like there was any chance of us turning before, that is.

The bus entered a similar driveway road like at our school and curved towards the front. The road was obviously new and freshly laid having no fault with it and the grass surrounding the drive through was perfect. Not one strand of grass too long or short and was super green, even with the evening moon rising up and the sky's getting darker.

In the middle of the driveway there was a patch of grass also freshly laid but had beautiful flowers sprouting out in different garden beds.

The bus slowly came to a stop and when it had finally stopped its journey no one stood up. Everyone was staring out the window in astonishment and I could feel Carter behind me leaning slightly on my left shoulder, his breath blowing softly on my hair making it waver a little.

"Alrigh' chumps, rides over getchya asses out the bus and wait at the front for ya dorm numbers," said the driver getting up and opened the bus's doors waiting for all of us to get out.

After a while the bus driver sighed as every began to file out and Carter and I were one of the last ones to actually leave the bus. I walked behind Carter after we grabbed our bags and stepped off the bus so we now faced the front of the large building.

It was amazing. There were multiple buildings on the left and right side of the whole grounds and it was massive.

The building was six stories high and and spread down parallel to the other and it seemed as if it would never end. They were large and almost like streets as there were about ten apartment blocks of them on each side of the pathway that went through them. Between each buildings there were also pathways almost like its own little town. On each of the buildings there were windows along every few metres which suggested that they were most definitely where we were staying.

To be honest I wasn't that surprised either.

As I stood beside Carter it was a bit of a trouble to not lose sight of him as well. The whole grounds were covered with kids our age everywhere and I could swear that there were tens of thousands of us.

The air was buzzed with noise, laughter, chatter, some people fighting in the distance, in fact it was chaos. There were people clutching their bags to their chest tightly as if thinking someone would come and take it and others speaking to everyone so freely as if this was a day camp.

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