Chapter Thirty Five

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Anyways, I really hope you enjoy the chapter!
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Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

Chapter Thirty Five:

The smell of freshly cooked stew greeted me as I was sat on the long wooden bench of the large dining hall.

The table was lined with a small variety of foods this time. Mainly consisting of basically one type of stew with bread just out of the oven beside the pots causing a sensory overload and delicious aromas filling my nose.

I couldn't help the sign and smile that rose to my face as I picked up a slice of my own bread and dipped it into the boiling stew before devouring it in one go.

From beside me I heard a snort and turned to see Lucas staring at me with a look of wonder and amusement on his face as he slowly sipped in his own stew and read the books laid out in front of him.

Since the message from last night Lucas and I had constantly worked on the riddle together trying to solve it. We stayed up quite late before deciding to call it a night as the it grew dark and the annoying clock on the wall I was going to break said twelve o clock.

Yet, after turning the lights off, closing the curtains and jumping in bed not bothering to clean up the mess aside from Lucas's discarded clothing from being chucked out of his bad in search of his notebook, sleep did not come peacefully.

Instead, I spent most of the night tossing and turning in the cover of my sheets, the clock on the wall alarmingly too loud too even help me fall asleep. The message which I now believed was a riddle stayed on my main for a long while. But in the end, I eventually fell asleep a few hours shy of dawn to the soft rhythm of Lucas's snoring.

It would also explain why I had woken up only an hour before lunch. Although, Lucas was definitely up before that and decided to read through some other text book he had brought for some reason thinking it would help.

I wasn't shy in telling him that he shouldn't have brought that book, but he didn't seem to think so as he threw one of his shoes at my head. Let's say I hope that the book will help us and that it actually had a purpose opposed to taking up room and being a waste.

"What?" I questioned with a mouthful of food and Lucas just rolled his eyes and shutting his books before leaning back.

"How attractive," he retorted with a growing smirk on his face.

"You bet," I replied without missing a beat and he let out one burst of laughter before quieting again and staring at me intensely which his bright eyes as I struggled to swallow.

After a second more of staring at me as I did him, he opened his book and it and pushing the book in my direction almost knocking my stew over. I gave him a fake dirty look and smiled sarcastically in response before gesturing to the book.

"Here," he said after trailing his finger along the right side of the large book, "read this part." In response, I leaned over and peered at the words on the page before beginning to read the paragraph he was pointing to.

'Judgement is always made as it is the fate of all. Man is almost never right, yet he is to assume so. He believes that whatever it is he has done will be looked over and that nothing of it will be conceded when it must be. But he must know that time will come till he will be weighed upon the deeds he has made and the sins he has come about. What he must do is remember that eventually, it will be the fate of all.'

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