Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/n: OMG YES!!! THIS IS AN EARLY UPDATE! I know! Be proud of me. I finished all exams two days ago so I began writing this chapter, it didn't take me as long to write which was great, so here you go!
*IMPORTANT* okay, so I have a few questions.
1. Someone had asked me if I had any social media accounts relating to this book and any other future books. Now, I don't have any, but was thinking of making one, so let me know if I should and who would be interested in following the account.
2. With this book, I have already planned how it's going end, but I'm having some trouble thinking of the middle part.
Anyways, thank you if you actually read my important notices, but don't forget to comment and hit that star.
Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

Chapter Twenty Seven:

"I know you can make it, make it out of this hell hole and survive."

"Carter, no," I cried as I saw him give up.

"Tell my family— tell them I love them and that I'm sorry that they had to watch me die like this. "

I was sobbing screaming in pain trying to tell him no and for him to listen to me.

"Max . . . Tell Max that I'm sorry to not be there for him."

His eyes were glossy, but he was physically here in the sense, but his mind was in a far away place, a place that gave him happiness. One where he relished his memories and everything good that has happened to him. You could tell by the smile graced on his lips, and the slow tears that trailed down his eyes.

"And Victoria . . . Fuck. Victoria."

My mind drifted away as I began to sob harder.

"I'm sorry, Carter, I'm sorry, this is my fault," I cried trying to tell him.

And suddenly, instead of finishing his sentence about Victoria he turned to me, acknowledging me for the first time.

"It was you," he whispered, confusing me and making me pause in between my sobbing.

"This was your fault," his green eyes bore into mine making my sob even harder having to hear it out loud.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I whispered in between my tears.

He gave me a final glare when his upper shoulder was grabbed and was pulled away leaving me crying in my own.

"Carter, Carter!" I screamed trying to run to him but couldn't.

And he only stared at me, stared at me as he was dragged outside the two doors leading to his death. The only noise being heard was the whispered dancing along the hall causing me to sob harder.

"It was you."

• • •

I sat up, gasping and trying to control my breathing as I began to hyperventilate. I felt a few tears falling down my face and was quick to wipe it away. Sweat that was collected on my forehead dripping down the sides of my head and my heartbeat was fast as I tried to comprehend what was happening.

I sat there for a few seconds before hearing a thump to the left of my and turned my head quickly to see Lucas sitting on his bed facing the opposite direction, but his head was turned back to me looking in confusion.

He was no longer wearing his pyjamas from the night before and was dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a long black sleeved shirt. His face looked a little disheveled with bags under his eyes making it seem like he didn't have that much off a good nights rest either.

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