Chapter Thirty Three

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A/n: This is the same chapter as before but has been re-uploaded. I was very disappointed with the pervious one as it was rushed since I was trying to get it uploaded quickly as I was taking a while, but found I would rather upload late than upload a chapter I was disappointed in. So please read this better improved chapter!
Enjoy! TaylorLeFay
ALSO COMMENT; if anyone wants a chapter from outside of the Resdue on Bryce's families point of view???

Chapter Thirty Three:

The sun shone brightly above, little clouds in the sky did it no justice from stopping the strong rays that lit the area around me.

I attempted to obstruct the intense rays of sunlight with my hand, but it proved to do nothing as my vision still stayed blurred and I was incapable of permanently ignoring the bright light.

There were others trickling in out and out of buildings, like me they were also trying to cover their faces with their hands, in hopes of blocking the sun. Yet, none seemed successful in anyway.

But with everyone trickling around, I couldn't help but notice how there was a major decline in the amount of people around. Not only from the event of the early morning, but from the previous tests beginning to exterminate the different schools and contestants here.

I was lucky to find that most of the people I have made friends with are still here and haven't been exterminated yet. Excluding Carter. Although, the thought of him still brought extravagant pain and I instantly got a headache with just thinking about that horrid event.

But after everything that has happened, I could feel the heaviness in my chest slowly begin to weigh on me even worse with each passing day and I knew that it wouldn't be too long before I have had enough and couldn't do this anymore.

There was a light breeze wafting through the buildings, weaving in and out of the crevasses and cracks of the trees and seperate constructed dwellings which stood untouched; new. The bricks perfectly aligned with no cracks of wedges between. And the buildings which stood with paint held no stains nor imperfections with the paint job.

In observance beside me, Jaylen walked in solemn silence. He too looked around at the picturesque area which could be the front cover of any gardening or neighbourhood magazine. Yet, the picture like always would hide the imperfections of each and every place.

It would hide the horrors which have occurred on this ground. It would hide the sadness. It would hide all the imperfections which existed in reality.

I turned to glance slightly at Jaylen as we passed the front foyer, shining in the light which the sun gazed down upon it. The beautiful grey and white marbled foyer and steps glistened looking almost like it was just brought out of a hidden room of darkness and only had light to show.

I could see from where I was standing that the slightly angling of the sun instantly lit up the inside of the dining hall and made it almost seem welcoming. Like it was a warm, nice place I just wanted to go and stay.

Yet, it was not.

Jaylen was frowning at the area around us. But not specifically at the, no doubt, beautifully constructed building. But opposite of it where the horrific events of the morning took place.

Where the cobblestoned pathway stopped and the wet grass from last nights rain began, an area of freshly cut grass and daffodils had a very noticeable squared imprint in the middle from the makeshift stage which was set above. The grass in that one square was still squashed to the ground with only one or two stray strands of grass sticking upwards around the edges of it.

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