Chapter Ninety Two

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I will be having much more regular updates now that I am on holidays. I will be aiming to update once every three days, but that will depend on how quickly I can write the chapters. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Ninety Two:

My vision blurred as I stared at the unending ocean.

I sniffled as I wiped at my face harshly and winced forgetting about my scraped cheek and my fully bruised, swollen, and wounded face.

"Bryce?" Asked Lucas and I turned to him.

"Look," I pointed near sobbing at the ocean.

"Yeah, we made it!"

I shook my head as tears burned along my cheek and cuts that covered my face.

"No, look!" I screamed pointing at nothing before us. "There is nothing there."

I watched the smile on his face fall as he processed what I said and he stood frozen.

"We have made it-," I sobbed through my teeth as I felt my heart drop and my body shook as I finally, after so long, fell apart. "This far, and yet, there is nothing. Nothing but ocean and miles of land around us!"

I was screaming at this points as my hands reached my head and I pulled at my hair harshly trying to control myself as I could not shake or get rid of the feeling of my hopelessness.

"W-we," I paused trying to breathe through my sobbing and pounding heart that just seemed to consume me and my entire being as I could not control the burst of emotions that raged through me and screamed at me.

Placing my hands on my head I squeezed trying to get rid of the emotions that made me feel like I was drowning. My head was now underwater and I could not breath as everything swallowed me in and consumed me. Every hole was feel and it flowed through my body restraining and restricting me to the single feeling.

It just came out of no where. There was no indication of it coming. All the denying and lying and ignoring I had done had just gone to waste as I broke and down and lost all sense to everything. My eyes burned from being squeezed shut tightly trying to stop myself from crying. But not resisting, any longer, I looked at Lucas to see a defeated look on his face as he raised his hands then lowered them not knowing how to console me.

"We, made it so fa-r," my voice cracked. "Just to make it to the dead end. An ocean separating us from everything, there is nothing else beyond this point. This is the end. And it isn't even the end!"

My throat burned as I screamed in pain and sobbed trying to control the feelings that kept reminding me that all this sacrifice, the pain, losing Rebecca, losing Jaylen, being betrayed and almost killed by Lucy and Shaun. Being hunted in the woods, in the desert by other people, by soulless zombie creatures all within a week crashed into me.

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