Chapter Eighty

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I will be aiming to update once every three days, but that will depend on how quickly I can write the chapters. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Eighty:

I really preferred walking through the meadow than through the chaparral and desert. Maybe even the woods as well.

The ground was both hard but had the cushioning of the grass that gave some relief to me feet which were still blistered and bleeding from numerous cuts after being on them for non-stop for days.

The walk was peaceful as we continued for hours. The mood had lighten up and we conversed more instead of staying in the sullen silence like we did for the past few days. The only complaints now was those of a pestered Jaylen complaining about the long grass tickling his ankles causing them to grow itchy as he walked.

Eventually, we found a cobbled faint road and left the meadow with wariness as we began walking down it. We paused just before we took its path and debated the practicableness of it.

"So . . . what were we thinking?" I asked hesitantly as we stood on the edge of the meadow, facing the path that seemed to continuously extend both ways to my left and right. Just after a metre or two of it across, the grassland continued.

"I was rather liking the grass," commented Lucas as he crossed his arms and debated it.

"We are low on supplies," Jaylen reminded us.

I nodded as I tried to come to a solution, making a mental pro's and con's list.

"The grasslands just keep going and seem to go nowhere. . . and the road would lead to something."

Jaylen shook his head as he looked towards me, "but they lead to something. Not and."

I glared at him and rolled my eyes and Lucas chuckled behind me and I turned to face him for a moment before quickly looking away because of his eyes burning down into mine made me feel warm inside and I felt a blush about to creep onto my cheeks.

"Well, that something might get us some food. We have barely none of that."

Jaylen rolled his eyes and spread his arms wide in front of us in an arc.

"We have unlimited food with all these bugs!"

Immediately, I turned towards Lucas and we made eye contact, his bright blue eyes held fear and I smiled softly as we shook our heads in unison. His dark hair bounced on his head as he closed his eyes and took a step onto the path, turning left before walking straight.

"The path it is."

I laughed as Jaylen frowned and scoffed at us as Lucas and I began walking ahead rather than continuing through the grasslands.

"I-- come on guys!"

He stood there by himself as the distance between us grew and he let out a loud groan from behind us before the sound of pounding footsteps grew as he began running to catch up.

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