Chapter Forty Eight

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A/n: EARLY UPDATE!!!!!!!!
I will be having much more regular updates now that I am on holidays. I will be aiming to update once every three days, but that will depend on how quickly I can write the chapters. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

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Chapter Forty Eight:

The beasts swirling greenish yellow eyes stared at us intensely as it darted between the red firecracker before my feet, and at me and Lucas who stood almost halfway across the bridge.

I saw beside the beast that the other team had a grim looks on its faces and they slowly walked backwards not wanting to startle the beast as it rose from its four haunches and stood tall. It easily towered over them and I watched horrified as it took a step towards me and Lucas.

It's skeletal head angled downwards as if trying to scare off its prey and took another step forwards, resulting in the loud bang of a foot rattling throughout the now seemingly small arena.

"Bryce," Lucas whispered softly without moving. It seemed that he didn't want to continue to startle the beast. The beast began to trail slowly taking loud steps as Lucas continued to whisper to me.

"Get rid of the cracker."

I nodded and quickly kicked the red firecracker off the edge of the bridge. I watched as it fell down, blazing red with fire and light, taking its time to land at the bottom of the rotten pit filled with blood and the deceased.

However, this only seemed to enrage the beast as it let out an enormous roar that thundered throughout the arena and fell on all four legs. I heard as its nails racked against the ground and the pounding footsteps it made as it charged towards us.

"Oh God, we enraged it," I said louder than a whisper and Lucas frantically began walking forwards, urging me to speed up.

"Come on," he shouted.

With his arms wrapped around my waist, he practically lifted me up which caused my chest and back to scream out in pain from the sudden weight. My eyes shut involuntarily as my whole body burned and I fought the urge to let out a scream.

He shuffled forwards as carefully as he could as the bridge swayed side to side. We had long forgotten the railings, although the railings weren't any comfort. They were merely two flimsy strings of rope that were barely tied to the four pillared logs around the drawstring bridge.

I heard the beasts footsteps grow louder and I knew it was far from the bridge now. Drastically, I turned my head back as Lucas pushed us forwards and watched as the beast approached the bridge. From behind, the two teams were too far off and were approaching the bridge themselves as the beast was hardly a threat to them at the moment, but was a threat to us.

I watched as the beast stopped just before the bridge and looked around the entrance of it. The bridge was way too small to support the beasts weight, let alone allow the beast too small to let the beast walk across.

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