Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

I was uncomfortable. Uncomfortable was actually an understatement.

I was sitting alone at the very end of one of the long tables, in the back corner of the dining hall.

In the back corner there was nothing special. The occasional cameraman and the few teens who were around compared to the pack of kids around the middle screaming in laughter and the conversations echoed across the hall to the back were I sat alone.

A plate in front of me, with the finest salmon you'd know laid perfectly pink, the skin crackled and crunchy. A perfect seasoned salad, each individual tomato and cucumber slice to be the exact same size as the rest, your everyday bread roll, and a side of mash potato.

It annoyed me that everything they did had seemed to be perfect, or at least tried to seem perfect. It was like they were impressing someone without pressing anyone, if that's even possible.

I stared at my plate, my salad barely touched and a quarter of my salmon missing. I had lost my appetite during my lonely walk here. As much as I tried, I couldn't really shake what had happened.

There was a possibility that I over reacted over something silly. But another part of me thought that how I had reacted is really just something normal. A normal person who'd gone through quite a lot of bullying and teasing through their life would feel the exact same themselves.

The dining hall didn't have any lights on from the many above. Instead, the light from the sun that shone in rays through the winds illuminated the room. It actually made it look nice and more natural, other than the fact that there were at least twenty thousand other teens in the room this moment.

In the back corner where I sat, there wasn't many kids around me. Something I noticed as I walked here and looked into the facilities on the way, was that everyone liked staying in groups.

You'd never look around and find just two people together or maybe just four. No. Everyone here scrounged to be settled in large groups, like penguins huddled together, seeking each other for warmth against the cold arctic winds.

That's what it was like.

A whole table, in fact, was used as one large group.

Looking at them, there wasn't really anything special about any of them. Even though they all sat as one group on one table, you could tell it was about ten or so different groups all sitting as one on one table. One person here or there linking the groups all together, conversing together.

As I continued to observe and stare at the group of kids, all of them smiling away. I didn't notice the triad of males saunter into the room, their eyes glancing over everyone as some people stopped to look before returning to what they were doing.

They looked around most likely trying to find me in the crowd of students. I unconsciously made myself smaller and backed a bit more into the corner not wanting to be seen, fear of embarrassment at how I had reacted from before.

Carter's green eyes scrutinised slowly around the room as Jarvis and Logan followed foot, their eyes roaming.

They didn't have to worry about grabbing trays and going to the front to of the room or something like some preteen American movie. All the food was laid out like dinner last night and the night before.

Ready for you to serve yourself.

I stared at the three, looking around the room. The longer I stared, the more I realised how funny this situation actually was. Three boys at the front of the dining hall, gazing it over as if in search of something too funny,

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